Thursday, January 19, 2023

God in the Prisons

I have to be honest, it has been a very busy couple months and I was tired.  School is out here, dry season has officially arrived (late this year - thank you God!), and so it is the time of conferences, outreach, and weddings.  For Freedom in Christ Uganda it meant crusades in the prisons.  I wasn't really up for it but I did not want to regret missing out.  
The first was the Soroti women's prison crusade.  I went but my heart wasn't in it.  We were given from 10am to 2pm.  I wanted to arrive late and leave a bit early so I could get home and be with the kids.  It was two days before Christmas.  Usually prison time is very scheduled and prompt, but this day they were late and unorganized.  So we were there till after 4pm.  I do love seeing the women and starting to get to know some of their faces.  They have a salon in the prison and the women are beautiful and have great hair do's.  It was an honor to see one older women give her life to Christ.  At one point we had a powerful prayer time where the women told God what they were worried about.  The Holy Spirit was present and at work.  They were bowed down crying out to God with tears.  I was asked to pray for the women but I barely could because of my tears.  The women love to sing and dance and I could watch them all day long.  It is hard to imagine them doing something worthy of prison.  All I see is God's grace when I see His children worship as prisoners.

The second crusade was to be in Soroti men's prison.  We have done crusades there for years now.  But this year we were met with resistance from the administration.  Josh and I were tired and wanted to comply with the leaders there and call it off, but our FIC teachers/leaders and the church officer within prison did not want to give up.  They worked hard talking to people, trying to meet with them, and praying.  We all prayed.  The church in the prison was discouraged and was also praying.  Josh was teaching one day at the prison as the tree the church in the prison meets under was being cut down.  It felt like persecution.
A week later the administration changed their minds and allowed the crusade to take place.   We all praised God for answered prayer.  I decided not to go - and then regretted it later.  God is always at work!  Freedom in Christ teachers, former prisoners (some of them now FIC teachers), and officers joined in leading the crusade.  That day 32 men gave their lives to Christ!  That's why the enemy didn't want the crusade to happen!  Thanks be to God for the victory!

The third crusade was in Moroto prison.  I have never been to Moroto (Karamoja region) so I wanted to go to this one.  It is about a three hour drive from our home so we left with half our team at 5:30am.  The rest of the team went the night before to set up the morning of the crusade.  On the way we came across literally hundreds of soldiers on the road, training on their knees with backpacks on, big sticks as guns and full uniform.  The Ugandans in our van were very nervous.  I admit is was an intimidating sight but for them it provoked fear.  Our pastor said if it had been 20 years ago we would have soiled our pants because seeing soldiers would have meant death.  It was sad to see the trauma and how people who are meant to keep us safe made them fear.  

I loved seeing a new place.  Even our Ugandan friends were in awe of this new territory.  This place I have heard so much about, prayed for, and that my adopted sister is from.  Karamoja is a different world.  It is very desert like but has beautiful mountains too.  The culture is so different and it shows in how they dress and their homes.  Everything about it seemed harsh.  Moroto is in or next to a mountain.  It was really nice.  And the prison is at the base of the mountain with a beautiful view.  I was so proud to be their with our team of FIC teachers - 2 of whom are former prisoners - a godly officer from Soroti prison, three girls from our church and our daughter Grace.  We had the privilege of seeing the officer in charge who used to be in Soroti and is the one who invited us to Moroto.  There are about 800 inmates there.  Again the praise and dancing was a highlight for me.  Especially because some of the dance and the language is different.  It was a wonderful time of testimonies, messages and worship.  It was also a windy, stormy day.  Dust was blowing everywhere, but I was thankful for the clouds to cool us.  Just as the time of alter call was coming it started to sprinkle.  We prayed.  As soon as they called the men to give their lives to Jesus 65 plus people rushed forward!  They were ready.  The church leaders in the prison took down each name so they could disciple the new believers.  And no rain fell - just the Holy Spirit.  It is powerful seeing so many prisoners come to Christ and be set free.  

I wish I had pictures to share with you, but it isn't allowed.  I wish you could have been there.

I believe there were another two crusades in other prisons where there are FIC teachers.  Since the crusades, prisoners have been sharing their testimonies with Josh.  These testimonies show us that we have no idea of the depth of God's work in lives in the prison through FIC.  God always does more than we can ask for or think of.  He loves doing what seems impossible.  He is always at work even when we can't see it.  It is His work!  And He is using the prisoners to be His church, His leaders, His witnesses.  I love it!  To join with God and be a part of something so great for His kingdom is a blessing.  One sinner at a time, God is setting free, transforming, calling His and using them to tell others.  We marvel at God choosing the prison as His mission field or as some prisoners have called it, "God's Bible School".  He wants to reach Uganda through former prisoners going back to their villages with the a changed life and the Good News to share.  Amen and amen!

I want to share some of the testimonies so far.  I will have to shorten some but it will give you a taste of the power of God's Truth setting people free.

My father is a witch doctor and I also practiced witchcraft with him.  Officer Choki led me to Christ here in the prison, then I joined the Freedom in Christ Bible studies.  At first when I came to Christ, my parents were angry and did not believe it was true.  When I completed all the Freedom in Christ training and got my certificate, I sent it to them.  Then they finally accepted that I really was a Christian now.  My wife is shocked at the change in my life.  She wants to meet the people who brought this big change in my life.”  (Two weeks later D was released.  We went to visit his family and shared the gospel with all who were present – quite a number since D has 29 siblings; his father has 4 wives.  D’s wife and sister came to Christ during our visit.)

I thank God for what He has done in my life through the teachings of Freedom in Christ.  My life changed from bondage to marvelous light.  I am Karamojong by tribe.  I did evil things.  In prison I found born again churches for the first time.  Something touched my heart but my mind was full of darkness and demons.  Officer David gave me strength to receive Christ as my personal Savior.  I started attending Freedom in Christ courses. My being was changed.  I am free!  I am adopted by God, I am His child.  I am saved by grace.  I have a new name; Beloved, Unashamed, New Creation in Christ the old is gone, I am not a slave to sin, I am free, and Courageous.  Now my heart is peaceful, full of love, hope and joy.  I want to join Freedom in Christ Ministries after my sentence because my people are totally ignorant and are in darkness.  No one has told them where everlasting life is.  My prayer is God will do this.”

When I came to prison, I was hopeless.  I was spiritually bound and mentally not free.  While in prison I joined the Grace Course.  These teachings were a light in the tunnel.  We are saved by Grace!  I embraced the truth taught and now live by the truth.  I am free from bondage.  Fear is no more.  I am forgiven and chosen.  I am ready to be God’s tool and go anywhere.  To God be the glory for showing me His abundant grace.”

"I thank God for Joshua giving himself to teach and train us.  I was just like the prodigal son.  When I started attending the Grace Course I realized I needed to return home to my Father.  I didn't know much about God even though I went to church.  This course has opened my mind and heart to know God deeper.  I am now able to discern good and evil.  I know the Truth of Christ.  I use to feel guilt, shame and fear this tool (FIC) has helped me be free because Jesus has dealt with them."

"I give glory to God.  Just the name of this ministry itself is enough to change one's life.  I am blessed to be set free from so many bondages.  I suffered for years under the influence of witchcraft but I didn't know how to get out of it.  When I started attending the FIC courses I realized I was getting my freedom.  I am free because I know where my power is.  Many Christian suffer because they are ignorant and don't know the source of power to overcome.  This course equips believers to walk in freedom.  I now know I don't have to struggle and work so hard to win God's favor.  The Holy Spirit through Joshua has enabled me to understand Scripture - to know God's Word.  Joshua knows God's Word.  Fear, shame, guilt are no longer my portion.  I am walking in the Grace and perfect love of God.  FIC has not only changed me but also has equip me to bring the freedom to many others.  I now know why I am in prison, 'on a purpose for a purpose'.  I needed to learn all this.  I am innocently in prison but I will go back equipped for His powerful ministry outside of these walls.  Surely all things work for good (Rom.8:28).  Thank you FIC.  Your teachers are filled with love and care for prisoners."

"The FIC teachings have greatly changed my life in prison.  Before coming I was just relying on false teachings.  I now know that I am a child of God and that I don't have to work hard for God to love me.  God accepts me the way I am and loves me the way I am.  The Grace Course has opened my eyes.  Thank you FIC that I am who I am because of you."

"I thank God who has brought me to prison and made me to meet FIC in this place.  From what you teach us the will of God is working in my life.  In fact I have got to know God from here and through the message you delivered at Christmas.  Joshua you are an anointed man of God.  Keep moving to the places of hardness and give the Word of God to the people who are under going hard situations."


Mt. Moroto

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