Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Too HOT!!!

 Oh my word, it just keeps getting hotter and hotter!  You can't escape.  It's oppressive now.  One hundred degrees IN our house each day.  It is thankfully dry heat, but still heat is heat.  I am so glad nights and mornings cool off but even that seems to be getting less.  All you do is endure this time of year.  Today I am sick on top of the heat but my temp of 99.5 is just normal.  It's hard and if I had any thought that I was special to be a missionary, I am reminded again how simply human I am right now. 

This is the temp in our house. 
Incase you are wondering there is no AC only fans to blow around the hot air - no they do kinda help.

Trying to keep cool!

Makai loves water balloons!

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