Thursday, March 30, 2023

Amazing South Africa - Part One

 I cannot begin to tell you how awesome our trip to South Africa was!  I think it may be the best trip we've ever had.  And it may be the most beautiful place I've ever been.  Loved it!  Such a blessing!

Let me back up.  We went to South Africa because our partner organization had a retreat there.  We decided since we were going to invest in the time, travel and expense of getting there we should do a family vacation too.  Grace then claimed it her senior trip!  We have been to South Africa in the past but never to Cape Town so we decided to go there.  We were very thankful we chose a house on the Cape Peninsula where it was out of town, quiet and had lots to explore.

It was breath-taking beauty all around us.  Mountains and ocean.  Everything was so nice, modern, yummy, available...we were spoiled.  I found myself worshipping God as I took in His mighty, vast, creative, wonderful creation.  I felt so much joy on this time away.  I was so happy to be away, with my family, seeing and doing new things.  The words that kept coming to me were thankful and satisficed.  God gave us more than we could have asked for! 

After three weeks away, one week of travel time and two in South Africa (one in Cape Town and one in the Drakensburg Mountains for the retreat), I had over 1,000 pictures!  Don't worry I TRIED to pick only a few to share with you.  Hope they show the fun and beauty we experienced.  The first post will be of Cape Town the second post to come will be of the second half of the trip in the Drakensburg Mts. 

Because of where we live, going anywhere takes at least two days of travel.  It is both exciting and exhausting. Travel in Africa can be stressful too.  We try to not let it get to us and enjoy the journey.  Makai was very confused and doesn't really like change.  The trip to Uganda last year, changing his life, was upsetting to him so we tried to tell him one day at a time what we were doing.  His blanket was his faithful companion. 

The house we rented was in Misty Cliffs on the Cape peninsula of Africa.
Mountains on one side and the Atlantic Ocean on the other.

Our house for the week!
The view was awesome and the sound of the crashing waves put us to sleep and woke us up in the morning.  What a beautiful sound...

Our first full day we went to see the penguins.
Yes penguins in Africa!  They are so cute.  We enjoyed seeing them doing their thing in their habitat. 

See it sitting on it's egg?

There is a tiny baby under it's mother.

After the tourist boardwalk to see penguins, we went to Boulder Beach and it quickly became our favorite.  Secluded, clear water, big boulders, and up close with the penguins!

These two swam pass Grace and walked on the beach by me.

We laughed at this sign but as we were backing out a penguin walked in front of our van.

Simon's town was where Boulder Beach was. A cute seaside town with great seafood.

Simons Town

We spend nice long mornings and evenings at our place.  Emalai loved her balcony out of her bedroom.  She would sing her heart out up there!  She said it was her worship time.  No better place for that.

There are old Dutch farms all over that are now the cutest restaurants and shops.

Ok I have an obsession with a South African dessert, malva pudding!
My sister-in-law is from SA and made it for Christmas, so when  I got to SA I got it everywhere we went.  I'm sure gained a few pounds on it.  Worth it!

The whole area is full of different succulents.

Evening walk on the beach.  The tide got Luka on this one!

We had lots of fun discovering the tide pools in front of our house.

Coral and clams covered the rocks of the tide pools.

We found this beach one afternoon so we climbed down and had it all to ourselves.  I loved it!

We loved our day at Cape Point - the tip of Africa.
It was beautiful, meaningful and really cool to be there.

Where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet.

Ostriches in the wild!

Seals on the rock in the ocean!

Beautiful beach by Cape Point

We swam in the cold tidal pool - only us of course!

Then we found whale bones.  Huge!
There were also lots of bones from a seal.

This family enjoys seeing wildlife. 
We were excited to see Bontu Buck and Eland in the distance.
We went on a boat to see 70,000 seals...

It was a lot of seals...

But Makai didn't swallow his motion sickness meds and the 4 to 5ft. swells made him "scared" as he said and he threw up.  Not fun!
Thankfully ice creamed always helps!

This area is known for surfing and shark and whale watching.
We only saw the surfers.  Someday I am going to go during whale watching! (Not the sharks!)
We went into Cape Town one day and went up Table Mountain.
It was our only super hot day.  We tried to enjoy the amazing views on our long hike.

The clouds were rolling in and we were above them!

We made it to the highest point but Makai was not happy and Luka didn't feel good.
We were all thankful for water!

A stop at McDonalds was our treat afterwards. 
Makai learned he wanted to go there every time he saw one very fast!
Luka really wanted to see the stadium - hoping for a game at one somewhere someday.

A quick stop at beautiful V&A.  The marina, playground and a fancy mall with everything you could want - if you can afford it.  At least we got to eat all the favorites we miss.

Our last day - goodbye to Coastal Haven!

We spent our last few hours back at Boulder Beach!

Finally got to look at a few crafts...

Last seafood on the ocean...I just love being on vacation!

A sad ride to the least we had more to look forward.
Makai was all tired out.
By the way, we loved our very new rented mini van - so spoiled!  I miss it.

See you in the Drakensburg in part 2 of SA in the next post!

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