Monday, November 27, 2023


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
A little harder to be away this year since we are still adjusting back to Uganda, but we did enjoy a special day and are thankful to be together.
So thankful for my kids!

And my husband!

You have to be a bit more creative, more prepared, and do a little more work making Thanksgiving here.  You have to make sure to have all the supplies/food from the big city or from town ahead of time in case you can't get it or they don't have it.  Or if you've been to America recently you bring easy treats from there!  You make most things from scratch.  It is hot out and you have a smaller over and fridge so you have to time and arrange things just right.  And you have to decorate so we have an appearance of fall and Thanksgiving.  All takes time and effort, but I enjoy most of it!  
(Um in all honesty, our dutch apple pie had bugs in it.  Grace made the whole thing then saw a weavel, then another, and another!  The oats had bugs...  She was totally grossed out!  I got what we could then baked the rest.  I was not going to waste an very precious apple pie!  And it tasted great! :)  That is life here. )

I am grateful for friends to celebrate with.

Thanksgiving night we had leftovers and watched a Christmas movie together. 

The kids made Fall cookies for school last week.

We've had two unexpected huge rains.  I am so thankful for them!

Lydia is my painter and has been painting many things in the house the last few months.
Thank you Lydia!

I love how it turned out!

Starting Christmas around here!

So thankful for the fun and laughter my kids bring me!
Love you all!

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