Monday, August 20, 2007

11 March 2007

Today we went to Francis' church again and Josh preached again. We had a quiet day. Packed, had a late lunch with Tim and Angie, took a walk...
Nothing special.

I am not happy to tell you we have a mouse in our house. I saw it this morning and it saw me and ran back behind the fridge. Josh put out traps right away. Then at night I was helping Lydia shower and the mouse ran across my feet. I was up on that tub calling Josh so fast. You know you are relying on God when you even pray about your mouse problems to Him. He cares and will take care of it, right.

We leave for Kampala tomorrow. Pray that we get our visas with no trouble.
Thanks for all of your prayer and phone calls. We love you all! Your in our prayers too.

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