Monday, August 20, 2007

14 April 2007

Oh, water... we still don't have it. But we are finally getting somewhere with the water people. I guess we are on the old line and at the very worse spot in all of Soroti for water. So it doesn't look like our problem has a quick fix. Thankfully the rains have begun. We have rain water in our new HUGE water tank. It has been so nice since the rains have started. The temps are down and there are clouds in the sky. It has rained almost everyday the last few days. The temperature in our house is around 80degrees and cools off to under 70 at night.

Gery Bekker from CRWM came Wednesday night. It is always good to see someone from home. We loved the goodies and pictures, thanks Mom! We appreciated that he took the time and effort to come and see us. It shows that they really do care about us partners. The guys took Gery to the Bible School and to the blind community in the morning before he left. Hopefully he now has an idea what our ministry is. He said they are sending someone to work in Mbale and two families are interested.

Lydia continues to ask her why questions. Everyone notices and people always ask her why she asks why all of the time. The other day I asked why about something and Lydia said, “see Mom you ask why too.” She is so smart and just wants to learn more. We are finished with the preschool books I took so if anyone wants to send one, great. She has two preschool computer games that she has just learned to do all by herself. (A three year old on a computer!) Lydia has been extra whine the last few days and has peed in her pants several times. I am being patient but firm. I hope it is just a phase or time of adjustment. Grace can now say Lydia, at least kind of. The other morning she woke-up and said, “hi Lydia.” Sometimes I just stop and look at my precious little girls. Time goes so fast. They are growing and changing all the time. I want to cherish everything. (On my good moments I can do that.) I love the one year old stage. Where they jabber, learn words, waddle, and run so cute. Grace has a great smile and laugh. I love to watch them be sisters and play together. Parenting really is a blessing.

Josh and I finally went on another date last night. I say finally because we really needed it and I am learning I really need them. I need that time to communicate and be alone together. We haven't talked much lately. We are both busy, the kids are needy, and when they go to bed we both want to finally get something done. I am thankful Tim and Angie were willing to watch the kids. We had a really nice time.

And of course as you know, Tim had cellulitis. He had sore on the top of his head for at least a week and Angie would show me every once and a while because it had pus coming out. Then on Friday his head hurt, it was red, had a vein bulging, and his neck hurt. Angie and I looked in the medical books and thought it was either a boil or cellulitis. We thought we would get an antibiotic and call a doctor to see what they said. We couldn't get a hold of a doctor for along time so Tim and Angie went to the clinic down the road from us. We knew Tim wasn't feeling well when he didn't protest going to the clinic. The clinic was actually very impressive. They said it was an infection, cellulitis, and cleaned out the sore. They put him on pain killer and an antibiotic. I felt really worried about Tim and didn't want to ignore it. I only knew of people being in the hospital for cellulitis. I thought it was a lot better to take every precaution rather than regret not doing something more. So I told Angie we still had to talk to the doctor in Mbale and see what he said. By evening Tim's head hurt even worse. (Angie couldn't even touch it.) Angie talked to doctor Solomon and wanted to see Tim. So we made plans to go in the morning. The problem was there has been no diesel around. That is when we called people to be praying. We prayed too. Sometimes there is nothing else you can do but give it all to God. (It is what we should always do.)

Praise God, He answers prays and heals! Tim said his head hurt during the night and he had a hard time sleeping but by morning he was feeling much better. He even hit his head to prove to me it was better. The medicine was working. Thank you God.

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