Monday, August 20, 2007

16 April 2007

We got a wonderful phone call last night. Lydia was happy to hear that Ryan will soon be Uncle Ryan and that we will be home for the wedding. Congratulations guys!

Today we went to Mbale. We needed more money (our building projects are running us dry – thankfully the landlord will be paying us back). We also got a few other things: Bibles, groceries (even bacon), and cheese. We finally met the Dutch cheese man. We went to his house, saw the process, and brought cheese and yogurt. Josh was comforted by the smells from home (cows), and Tim was by the smell of cheese. Both of them thought each others stunk. Childhood memories.

We also went to the pool at Mbale Resort. It is such a nice place. We get much swimming in because of the rain but we did have a nice time. The missionaries in Mbale fellowship there on Mondays so it was nice to meet some more people. They are all so nice and willing to help. I am so thankful. I also enjoyed my hot shower there. It had a lot of pressure and felt great after not having water for over a week now.

By the way we have water again! Our tanks are full and our taps are running. Oh happy day! I cannot figure out how we don't have water for so long then suddenly have all the water we need. They tell us there is a problem but I am beginning to think they want a bribe.

Grace has now started with, “why?” She has no idea what it means but she knows her sister says it a lot. She now knows how to us “mine” and “I do” properly. Grace also likes to pick “boogies.” It actually is quite cute.

Josh and Tim have been working with Angelina to help Ben, her son with cancer, get to Mbale to be examined. So today they went. We hired an expensive taxi to take them and paid for the exam. Ben has been bleeding out of his nose and mouth the last few days and vomiting. Last night he had lost so much blood he needed an IV. I thought he was going to die. I have never met him, yet I wanted to cry. We prayed a lot. We haven't talked to them since they saw the doctor so we will see what happens.

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