Monday, August 20, 2007

4 March 2007

We went to Francis' church at about 9am this morning. I was amazed at all of the people walking to church as we drove there. We heard several churches going on around our house as we got ready too. Francis' church is basically just a roof with woven stalks of some kind for walls right now. They has beautiful flowers hanging from the ceiling that made it very attractive. They gave us the seats of honor in the front. Maybe they did that so they could be entertained by the little “mazungus” (white people) during church. Lydia and Grace did pretty good actually, but I don't get to listen very much. I had to take them out toward the end for a break.

I loved the singing in church. They are very talented. Some of the songs were in English and some in Ateso. The whole service was nice. I don't know if they always translate the service but they did today. We started with welcoming and testimonies, then announcements, singing, prayer, sermon, offering, choirs (special numbers), and then closing. Josh preached on the talents and how we are all given gifts from God and we have the choice to use them for ourselves or His kingdom.

After the service the hospitality committee had (warm) pop and cookies for the guests. There were about 25 adults and 20 kids at the service.
Everyone was very nice and well behaved.

The rest of the day was a normal hard Sunday. I don't know why but Sundays are always the hardest day to be away. I would much rather stay in the routine of a normal week day. We were bored and down. It didn't help that it was the hottest day we have had yet. It was 90degrees inside the house today. By evening we were doing better. I made a yummy supper with rice – I was pretty proud of what I made with the little we had in the house. Then we went to town and got ice cream at the grocery story with Tim, Angie, and Avalien.

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