Monday, August 20, 2007

June 18 – Monday

We went for a Sunday drive with our visitors yesterday. We wanted to go to Lake Kyoga but took a wrong turn and drove an extra hour. I was thankful we had other people along to “enjoy” the ride with. (Grace cried about half the way, but she does have Malaria too.) We did eventually find the lake though and it was beautiful! There were a lot of boats (more like a canoe) and fishermen. They were very friendly and even offered a ride in their boats. Seeing how the boats were a third full of water, there are alligators, and if you swim you get a sickness called Bilhartzia, I though staying on land was a good idea. The Lake is really big. We were on a peninsula and I kept thinking we could pretend like we were in Gulf Shores. It was a nice afternoon out seeing another beautiful place in God's creation.

Today was the big shower, Angie's baby shower that is. Honestly, I am glad it is done. What a lot of work and I am tired. It was fun though. We had it at Soroti Hotel. Barb and Lydia helped me set up in the morning. We had blue ribbon, balloons, mints, and cake... I think 13 ladies and 4 girls ended up coming to the shower (Baptist missionaries, Amecet people, and our visitors). And the guest of honor, Moses. We played games, Angie told the Moses' story, opened gifts, and ate lunch. I hope Angie and Moses know how happy we are for them and that they are dearly loved.

I am really enjoying having Jodi and Butyens here! What a blessing to have their help, encouragement, and fellowship.

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