Monday, August 20, 2007

June 20 – Wednesday

Tuesday our Indian friends who own the grocery store had us for lunch. Boy do they know how to do hospitality! They put me to shame. They had about a dozen people for lunch and served us wine, pop, bottled water, juice and a lot of each one! We sat and talked with them for a while then the food came. Rice, potatoes, chapattis, beans, tomatoes, carrots, onions, and much more! They are so generous. And I though bringing them a loaf of banana bread was nice. I am humbled by their sacrificial giving. We had a nice time and all walked away very full. How can we thank our friends? How can we share God's love with them. I hope we can have them over sometime soon.

Josh took Tim, Angie and family to Kampala today. Their van is ready and they were going to do visa work for all of us. Josh left at 6am and will hopefully be home by 7pm tonight. What a long day of driving. It takes about 5 and a half hours to get to Kampala. It will be great to have two vans.

I took my first boda ride the other day. Bodas are the bike taxis here. There are very few cars here and a lot of bikes. It really is nice and quiet with all the bikes here instead of cars. I like it. I had to stop at the clinic and the others were gone with the van. I didn't have time to walk the mile so I hoped on the back of a “taxi”. My boda driver was very nice. I asked if I was too heavy and he just laughed and said no. He tired very hard to miss the potholes. I held on and tried to keep my balance. I made it there and even took another boda home. It was fun!

Grace now says “ok” all the time. It is really cute. Did I tell you she speaks Ateso too? She says, “obia, come” (obia means come, she includes them both usually).

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