Monday, August 20, 2007

May 30 – Wednesday

I don't think I have told you about Kristine yet. A few weeks ago now a young women named Kristine came asking for work. She had her baby with her and said that the twin was at home. I had been praying that God would show me how He was going to use me here and I felt this might be part of the answer. I talked awhile with Kristine and prayed with her. I told her I would be praying for her and asking God how I can help her. Kristine is about 20 years old, she is an orphan herself, has twin 6 month old babies (Eugene and Claudia), and the babies father is in and out of the picture it sounds like. Last week I brought her some food and clothes for the babies. Then Sunday she came to greet me with Eugene. I saw that Eugene seemed different and she said he cries a lot, doesn't sit up like his sister, and is “flexible”. Eugene can't hold his head up and just bends his neck back. She said he had Meningitis when he was one month old. Angie came out to see them and we began to fear that Eugene might have something like Cerebral Pulse. I told Kristine I would like to take the twins for a check-up – Eugene also has a fever.

So today I took Kristine and the twins to see the doctor. Claudia is a beautiful, healthy baby. Eugene is a smiley little guy. I was happy to see Kristine's one room home is very nice and she has nice clothes and blankets for the twins. The doctor talked with Kristine and examined Eugene a bit. He confirmed our fears that Eugene seemed to have what he called “Pulse”.
He first wanted some lab work done because of his fever, cough, and rash on his behind. Then we would see the doctor again and he said something about physical therapy. Eugene didn't even cry when they poked his little finger for blood. They also needed stool and urine samples but I figured it was easier for her to try to get it from home. Then I would bring it back and
we would talk with the doctor again tomorrow after the results were in.

After our time at the doctors we walked next door to Amecet. At Amecet Kristine talked with the Ugandan social worker there and they gave her some food for the babies. She is to come back in two weeks to talk with them again. The people at Amecet are so kind. They held the twins and welcomed Kristine. I am so glad I can help Kristine and her sweet babies in some way. She has along road ahead of her. When I first met her she said something about how hard it is and how she thinks of leaving the babies, but she really loves her children! She is just alone. It is a lot of work and I am sure scary at times. She told me her mother left when she was only 6 months old. She lived with her father in the IDP camp. He drank and was poisoned one day. He became stiff all over and died. She went to school until the money was finished. Sam went to school with her. He said she then found a man to “care for her”. Please pray for Kristine, Claudia, and especially Eugene I will keep you informed.

Moses' Grandfather and Aunt came and signed the papers at Amecet. It was hard for them yet they knew it was the best for Moses. (His Grandfather has AIDS too.) So now they are waiting for the father to come and sign. They said it will be no problem because he has had nothing to do with him and doesn't want him. Today Tim and Angie ended up going to Moses' family in the village (10min from here). They said the family loves Moses but there is no one to care for him. They want to see him to see how he is growing and will throw a party for him when he goes home to America. If all goes well Moses should come home with Tim and Angie by the end of next week.

Samuel, the toddler at Amecet who's mother was young and tried to put him down the latrine, he is going to go to the orphanage in Mbale soon. It is so sad to me. All Sam has known will be taken from him. How scary it will be. His mother hasn't come to see him anymore and they realize she doesn't want him. Who will let him know he is wanted and loved? I feel for the staff at Amecet too. They must get so attached just to see them come and go. There is another new baby there who's mother tried to kill him by refusing to feed him. And did I tell you about Janet. She is now two weeks old. Her mother died and they think she has downs or something. All I can do is give this all to the Lord who knows all things and cares.

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