Monday, August 20, 2007

May 31 – Thursday

Today we went back to the doctor with Eugene The doctor gave him some medicine and wants to see him in two weeks again. There is a doctor at the hospital that we can bring him to about possible therapy. It is so sad and hard for me to understand why Eugene has CP when his mother already has twins and no husband or family. I do know it keeps me close to God as I trust in Him for help and wisdom.

I need to wrap this up and send this off as soon as we have power again – these little stresses really frustrate me lately. I do want to share one more thing though. God continues to teach me more about His heart and how we can serve Him. I was reading Isaiah 58 in my quiet time the other day and I was so excited about what God showed me! The chapter starts out talking about fake worship and how one can do all the outward acts but not come near to God's heart. Then verses 6-11 God tells us what he really wants. True worship is action! “Loose the chains of injustice, set the oppressed free, share your food with the hungry, provide the poor wander with shelter, clothe the naked, not turn away from your own flesh.” To worship and love God is to stand for truth, help and love those in need, and to share freedom in Christ. God desires for us to DO something out of love for Him. To worship God is be do as He would do and be like Him. We must share His love, mercy, and truth. Sometimes we ask where God is when people are hurting or in need. God has put us here to be His love to those people. “THEN your light will break forth like the dawn...THEN you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.”(vs. 8-9) When we truly worship God THEN He our light will shine and God will hear us and answer. I will let you read the rest and let God speak to you too. Sometimes I am amazed how clearly the Bible speaks to us. It is all there. We ask how we should live or what we should do but all we need to do is be in His Word more and obey it. I am so thankful for God's truth in His Word, it speaks life to me!

Okay I am going to add one more thing, but you can skip it if you don't want to hear more. The end of Is. 58 talks about the Sabbath and I was amazed by it's truth for today too. It says,

“If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you
please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the Lord's
holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not
doing as you please or speaking idle words, then you will find your joy in
the Lord, and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land and to
feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob. The mouth of the Lord has

First of all, when God says something we need to listen! I was very bothered by what is happening at home with our churches and Christians attitudes about it. Churches are canceling services without much trouble. What are we saying to our children, non Christians, the world, let alone to God? Over and over we heard that it was time for family. That is not what the Bible says. It is a day to honor God, it is His holy day. If we use it as a day for “doing as you please” or “going your own way” we will not find joy in the Lord. I think we have a lot of things wrong in our culture and we have failed to read God's Word to know what He says. God wants us to know His joy but we must first obey Him.

Hope you didn't mind the sermon but when God teaches you something you just have to share it. God is so good! I love you all and our Father in Heaven does too. Thanks for all of your love and prayers!

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