Monday, June 16, 2008

June 14 Mandy's Journal

June 14

Our neighbors Martha and Joseph had a baby last Saturday. They have two girls and now have a baby boy named Joshua. She was in labor a long time and said the hospital is no help. She was home 8 hours after the baby was born. Josh took them when she delivered and helped them back home too. The baby is healthy and over 7lbs. Can you imagine having a baby here? Coming home to a hut? What a world of difference from home.

I have been a little better thanks to a wonderful medicine called Zofran. My mom happened to have some with her and I asked my doctor if I could take it since we had to travel. It was so wonderful to feel good! I only have 8 tablets so I only take a half a day so I can at least function during the day. I still feel the nausea but am not flat on the couch. I just need to take lots of breaks to rest and feel better again. I am waiting for more medicine to come and praying it comes before I run out – it will take prayer to happen.

Lydia continues to be excited about the baby. Each week we get an email update that tells us the size of the baby. This week it is the size of a grape. It helps Lydia to understand how small the baby is right now. I don’t remember if I told you but the other day Lydia had a doll in her shirt because she was pregnant. When the baby came out she said, “My baby hatched!” She also asked me if the baby gets yucky when I eat food. I told her that my food goes to my stomach and the baby lives in my tummy. She said, “Let me think about that…okay.” How cute are little minds!

Lydia had a mosquito bite on her leg and wanted a band-aid on it. A day later she took it off and said, “Praise the Lord! It is a miracle God healed my leg!” Now that is thanking God. Grace was sick last night and throw up in bed. She told me she had a “throat” in bed. (Thankfully she was fine by morning.)

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