Tuesday, June 10, 2008


June 8

So by now some of you know our big news – we are having a baby! What a shock! Within 11 weeks we were pregnant, had a miscarriage, and found out we were pregnant again. What a lot of emotions. Who knew you could get pregnant following a miscarriage? God did! This is His timing and plan. What a gift from Him. We are now 8 weeks pregnant due January 15, 2009.

We went to the doctor in Kampala but were totally disappointed. I saw the doctor for two minutes (in which he acted very surprised or confused about being 6 weeks pregnant when I just had a miscarriage last month) and I had an ultra sound that confirmed I am pregnant all within four and a half hours. And I never got to see the doctor with the ultra sound results because he left for lunch break and our girls couldn’t wait any longer. Frustrating… But at least we know everything looks good so far. After just having a miscarriage I am a little worried and watch for every sign. But I have peace knowing God is in control of this.

How do I feel? Totally and completely SICK! I am sick all day long. It is like having the flu or being car sick all day. Every smell, food, movement…makes me ill. The only time I feel good is while I am eating – not before and not after just during. All food sounds pretty bad to me but usually once I start eating it is okay. I much prefer salty things over anything sweet. It has been really hard. I just can’t function. I don’t get anything done. I am miserable right now letting the days go by so I can get through these difficult weeks. And everything is harder living here in Uganda. No easy foods to make, no places to get the food I want, the heat, traveling, smells everywhere, being far away without family. Oh well, this too shall pass. Josh has been helping. It was nice to have my mom here to help but I felt bad that I was terrible company. I just lay on the couch a lot of the day.

It is hard to be excited about the pregnancy right now, but we are very happy. Here we were trying to plan what to do about when to go home and when to get pregnant, when God moved. We hope now to be home from the middle of November to first part of March.

So how do you tell people you are two months pregnant when two months ago you had a miscarriage? I think they were as surprised as we were. We told Lydia and Grace after Grandma left to give them something to be happy about. We gave them each a card that said, “I’m the big sister” and Lydia’s said again. On the card there was a piece of rice because that is about the size of the baby. I am sure Grace didn’t quite get it but Lydia did. She was really excited and asked if the baby is in my stomach now and wanted to feel my tummy. Grace followed along. Since then Lydia has been telling everyone and still wants to feel the baby. Most people don’t understand Lydia, don’t get it, or are embarrassed to ask when Lydia tells them I’m having a baby.

We called home and told my Dad, Josh’s parents, sisters, and my older siblings. They all seemed to be happy for us. I’d love to hear what they are saying amongst each other now.


  1. Congratulations Josh and Mandy!!
    God sure works in mysterious ways doesn't He? We are due with #5 in Oct. something we thought would
    never happen. 5 kids!!!?????
    God sure has a sense of humor :)
    We are so happy for you--you are
    in our prayers often!
    Mike, Sue Yount and fam

  2. Congratulations Josh and Mandy!!
    God sure works in mysterious ways doesn't He? We are due with #5 in Oct. something we thought would
    never happen. 5 kids!!!?????
    God sure has a sense of humor :)
    We are so happy for you--you are
    in our prayers often!
    Mike, Sue Yount and fam

  3. Congratulations guys!!! Praying you through this journey.


  4. Congratulations and May God richly bless you and this new life! Isn't God amazing - I have been learning a lot lately that God never ceases to amaze me and then I amazed that I amazed by it! Okay that was really redundant but hopefully you get what I was trying to say! I am so excited for you and look forward to keeping posted on how you are doing! You all will be in our prayers!

    Blessings, Melissa
