Saturday, August 23, 2008

3D Ultra Sound

August 22

I am sitting in Kampala right now. We brought Stacey to the airport and are working on renewing our work visas. Finding a GOOD place to stay here is not easy. We will be here for at least five days and will stay in at least three different places. Working with immigrations has been a hassle again. Poor Josh has had to deal with a lot stress. They are always changing the rules and what they want. He began the process on Tuesday and thankfully today he finally got someone helpful and our special pass paper work could be done this afternoon – until we have to come back in three months for our official visas. Actually, the lady Josh met today is an Ateso and Josh began talking to her in her language. Instantly, she liked him and was very helpful. (Isn’t it fun how God answers prayers.)

Thankfully we have had a good stay here. The girls have been really good and play happily. We all have enjoyed good food and even pizza delivered to us. We have seen our share of doctors too. Josh and I had our teeth cleaned at the dentist. I know what your thinking – a dentist in Uganda how scary – but it was really nice, quick, and with little discomfort. I saw my OBGYN for a check up and went to an ear, noses, and throat doctor about my sinus problems. The best part is we had a 3D ultra sound of our baby!

The ultra sound was so amazing. We saw our baby! We could see it moving. The baby played with the embilical cord and kept putting its hand by its mouth until it finally found its thumb. We watch our baby suck its thumb in the womb! How precious. I so wish Grandma and Grandpa could have seen, but we do have pictures to send. I am so thankful to know and see that our baby is healthy. What a blessing. (The cost of a 3D ultra sound including a disc with pictures = $60. At that price insurance should let me do another one J.)

Josh just returned and we got our special passes and our work visas should be ready mid-September. Thank you God! It is an answer to prayer to have that done and to have met the right person to help us. Thanks for praying everyone.

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