Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mandy's Journal

August 28

Josh finally felt the baby! It was just a little kick but he did feel it. This baby isn’t very active just a one or two kicks here and there so it is hard for anyone to get a chance to feel it. I am sure it will only increase from here.

I have been doing school every afternoon with Lydia. Aren’t you proud of me? Maybe you shouldn’t be. I really am not a natural teacher. I am so impatient. You can pray God gives me all I need. Lydia is doing well. She if so cute she concentrates so hard when she is printing or doing something that her little tongue just a goes. She is really beginning to read and do math. It really brings me back to when I was learning – it is hard. I am proud of her!

You can pray for Lydia as we are encouraging her not to suck her thumb anymore. She only uses it at night or when she gets tired (sometimes when watching a video or riding in the van). It is a hard habit to break. The hope we have is that we don’t know any adult still sucking their thumb.

Lydia asked what color our baby would be. How cute. I explained to her that if the daddy and mommy are white the baby will be white and if they are black or brown the baby would be. Now she understands.

Grace has been really good lately. She and Lydia play so well together and play all day long. They are either playing little people and Polly pockets or house. I am so thankful the play so well together.

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