Sunday, October 12, 2008

Josh's Journal Oct. 11

October 11, 2008
It is Grace’s Birthday today. We made pancakes to celebrate for breakfast. Mandy asked Grace what she wanted for her birthday. Grace simply said, “Cheese!” Therefore, we had cheese for lunch. Tabitha and the kids will be coming over for cake at 7 tonight. It would have been nice to have Tim and Angie here to celebrate, but that is how it all played out.
We mailed in our absentee ballots yesterday. I will not tell you who I voted for, but I will say I have prayed often for McCain/Palin to win. I have been saddened to hear how many Christians are considering to vote for Obama. I can’t imagine voting for someone who supports the slaughter of unborn children. Not to mention supporting an assault on something as fundamental and Biblical as marriage. I am not surprised to hear pagans would vote for him; why would I expect them to fear the LORD. Sadly, it seems like the fear of God has also left the church. While we were in Kampala we experienced a small earthquake - no damage, just enough to scare people, including me. I was reminded afresh about the great and dreadful day of the Lord in which He will unleash His wrath on all who opposed Him and His kingdom. Opposing His kingdom would also include opposing His rule and commands now. As a Church we need to positively influence our culture, not just reflect our culture.
Tomorrow I teach the children at church the most important story of all time: the death and resurrection of Jesus. I am going to teach it two weeks in a row, focusing on the death tomorrow and the resurrection next week. I pray that God will use these simple story times to radically transform the lives of some of the kids there.
This coming week I have to teach the Timothy Institute in Otuboi on Monday. Tuesday I might be going to Kampala again. We spent 5 days in Kampala trying to finish our immigration process last week, but made no progress. We finally gave up and came back to Soroti. I will call Monday, if we have been approved it will be on the road again. I hope it is approved because the following week I have to teach Timothy Institute in Katakwi district (a rural district bordering Karamoja) for five full days in a row. I have a cold and soar throat now, so hopefully I will be well by that time.
While we were in Kampala Mandy decided to redeem her Mother’s Day gift so we went to Speke resort for a night. It is a lot of fun because there are two pools and ponies for the girls to ride. The girls really enjoyed it, so did their parents.
While we were in Kampala we also got the stove fixed. Burners had not been working well. Flames were small. It turned out that the piping had been filled with an ants nest. It works now.

1 comment:

  1. (The opinions I am about to express are mine alone and are not representative of the agency/institution that employs me.)

    Maybe you don't get the same news that we do here in the US. If you did, you would be aware of the ways in which the supporters of McCain/Palin have shown themselves to be the true terrorists in the past week or so, as these fine, upstanding, "pro-life" Christian people have shouted out "kill him!" (of Obama) in McCain's rallies.

    Even when McCain asked them to stop (too little, too late), they still refused to let up. If (God forbid!) Obama is killed, it is these fine, upstanding "pro-life" Christians who will have his blood on their hands.

    McCain has one of the worst voting records in the entire senate when it comes to issues related to children. so we believe in life, but we dont' believe in supporting all of these babies that we are saving?

    I am against abortion, but I also know that there is more to the role of president of the US than one issue. Other people of faith agree with me, among them this gentleman:

    Yes, the day of the Lord is coming, and we will all be held accountable for who we have tortured, who we have judged, who we have crucified. I only have to answer for myself, not for anybody else. I'm sorry you judge me and the millions of Jesus followers like me as "no better than a pagan" because we are choosing not to vote for man who chose a secessionist with ties to white supremist groups to be his running mate and likely successor.

    I am ready to answer to God for the choices I made to promote justice for ALL people.
