Saturday, September 27, 2008

Busy couple weeks

Sept. 26
We have been busy! But it has been good. Two weeks ago a few people from Zambia (a missionary couple from Denmark and two Zambian pastors) came to visit the Bible College and the churches here. The night they arrived we (Pastor Francis, Pastor Patrick, Beatrice and their families) all had dinner together. It was a blessing to all fellowship together. The guest came to our house the next week for dinner and we were so encouraged by their visit. They were good listeners with good advice too.

The guests were also here for Bethel Bible College’s first graduation. It was a wonderful celebration. Ten students graduated from the last two classes. It was long but good. They had fun too. They sang a song about stomping on satan and everyone danced around. I just watched and though how appropriate it was. It was a day of rejoicing and satan was defeated because God’s work was being done here. Praise God! I was glad we could be apart of it all. Everyone was celebrating.

My girls Bible study began again last Saturday. Once again I remembered how much I love sharing God’s Word with them. I get so excited. We are doing a study on purity and it seemed to really open their eyes up to the truth in God’s Word. I pray God work in them, keeps them pure, and uses them to share the message.

Josh and I have watched a couple football games now. (Makes it feel like Fall time J.) We went on a date and watched one game at a restaurant and went to missionary friends for another one. We think it is fun and the girls love when we go on a date and they get to play with Tabitha our house help. So everyone is happy.

We took the girls to Lake Kyoga to fish one Saturday. We only caught one tiny fish but the girls thought it was fun. (Actually, Lydia caught the only fish!) It is beautiful out there and something different for us to do as a family. It was hot though. I just sat and drank a pop enjoying watching my girls play with rock and fish. They are really cute. Grace liked playing with the bait, worms, best. Lydia thinks they are yucky.

Grace got a haircut the other day. Her hair was really long. I took off two inches and it is still to her shoulders. Still cute as a button! She often say to us now, “your kidding me” or “are you serious?” She doesn’t always say her R’s very well yet so she talks quite cute too.

Lydia continues to learn with school. She catches on so quickly. I have learned to enjoy it more. We have become more creative too. This week we sat outside and she drew living and nonliving things. I am proud of her. I told Josh I think we are paying for her to go to school in MI just for her to have a social life because she will be ahead of them with all the one on one teaching she has had.

Our unborn child is doing well. Kicks are much stronger now and my belly is growing! I think the baby has had hiccups too but they don’t last long so I’m not sure.

We have had guests staying in Tim and Angie’s duplex all week. They are from WA but are mission work in Uganda for six months. They stay in Kampala but come to Soroti about once a month. They have a 5 and 2 year old boys. Lydia has loved it and played with him every day. They are very nice and we have enjoyed getting to know them.

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