Monday, January 26, 2009

Luka is Home

Thank you everyone for all your notes, meals, clothes, and love! We are so very blessed. Luka is doing great. He is a good baby even sleeping up to 4 hours at a time at night. His sisters adore him but thankfully leave him alone too. We are very thankful for so many answers to our prayers. Luka is a joy!


  1. Yea!!! I was just wondering about ya'll... Glad to hear that Luka is on the "outside" now. I hope that one day we will get to see and play with him also.
    We are in the States until next week. When do ya'll go back to Uganda?
    We were so blessed and encouraged to spend time with ya'll in Malta! Thanks for sharing the girls with us. Please give them hugs from "Oma" and "Opa"!
    You can write me at this e-mail or both Max & I @ "
    I hope you are being refreshed and encouraged during this time in the States. We pray that you will be strengthened and empowered so that when you return to Uganda you will reflect HIS glory brightly.
    With love and hugs,
    Liz (Oma)

  2. Hey guys - Luka is so gorgeous - I was so thrilled when Angie told me about his birth. What a blessing and answer to prayer for you all (and so wonderful to see Lydia and Grace with their brother). I hope you are enjoying your remaining days in the States and cannot wait to see you back in Uganda.
