Monday, March 9, 2009


The time has come again to say goodbye. We had a wonderful four months in Michigan. Our main task while we were here was to visit supporters and raise our support for the next two years. We were able to speak at all 18 of our supporting churches. We were so glad we could share with you our lives and ministry in Uganda. We were touched by your encouragement, love, prayers and generosity. We also visited about 50 individual supporters. What a blessing to reconnect with all of you. During this financially challenging time, we did not know what to expect raising support, but we praise God that His people still give! We are truly thankful.
We are grateful to everyone who blessed our time on home service. Georgetown CRC provided a beautiful home in which to live. The hospitality house allowed us to relax and enjoy our stay; it gave us stability and allowed us to have routine. Hudsonville Christian School and Miss Klien welcomed Lydia and gave her a great first time school experience. Thanks for making it special for her. Many of our supporting churches helped us with other needs. Supporters helped, had us over, and gave generously. We appreciate your love. Finally, we are thankful for all the help and love from our family. We were blessed by all of you.
Now as we prepare to head back to Uganda, we go with all of your support and prayers. It is hard to leave. We have fears and sadness BUT we know you are with us. Your prayers, love, and encouragement strengthen us and remind us of God’s calling in our lives. We look forward to being with our team in Uganda, seeing our friends, and continuing the ministries there. We are thankful God is in control and has good plans for us. So with much anticipation we return to Uganda knowing God has work to do and wants to use us.

Pray for us:
Praise God for the birth of Luka.
Pray for God’s comfort and peace as we prepare to return to Uganda. As the time comes closer we have experience some worry about taking our kids far away and fear about flying. We know Satan likes to attack us at our weak points and make us worry, but we also know God is our Father who cares for us and protects us. We can trust in Him. Pray for God to be near us.
We will be flying March 16th to 18th, then driving to Soroti on the 19th. Pray that everything goes smoothly as we travel. Pray that the kids do well with the long flights and layovers. Pray for our health and safety.
Pray for us as we adjust back to our life in Uganda. May we have God’s peace and strength as we adjust to the 7 hour time change, hot weather, culture, and separation from family again. Pray that the kids do well with it all. We will also be moving into a different house when we return to Soroti so pray that all goes well.
Pray for our families as they let us go again and adjust, too.
Thank God for a great home service and the support He provided.
Pray God blesses His work in Uganda. Pray that students will come and that Bethel Bible College will advance this year. Pray for His leading and wisdom as we serve there.

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