Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mandy's Journal

May 24

Hi! I have been thinking of all of you as summer begins and you celebrate Memorial weekend together. I told Josh I would be going to garage sales if I was home. It seems like a long time ago we were home in the summer time. As much as I miss home, I have been very content here and thankful. Our kids are doing well. They have been eaten up by mosquitoes at times. Lydia and Grace swell up huge. Itching is miserable. We are trying to keep our house mosquito free so it has been better lately. Luka is super cute! He smiles when anyone talks to him. Everyone comments on our happy baby. He is able to do so much more now. He reaches for everything – including your dinner plate and the girl’s hair -- he grabs his toys now and put everything in his mouth. Lydia is now reading! She read me a book the other day. Wow, it is amazing to see. She had a phonics test and got 46 out of 47 right. She was excited. Grace is doing well too. She still has her things under her pillow, likes to do school with me, and plays with Luka often. Luka is totally loved by his sisters! They entertain him a lot for me. He is spoiled by the women already.

Josh taught for a week in Amuria. I was so thankful how well the week went for him and for me. I just feel like I handle things so much better now. I was so blessed to hear that the people in Amuria were so thankful for Josh’s wife. One man came and told Josh to thank me for letting him teach for a week and another time the whole group told Josh that behind every good man is a good wife and they all clapped for me. I really appreciate them thinking of me.

The kids and I walked to Amecet the other day. I was reminded again how hard it is to see suffering – especially as a mother. There was a one year old girl there who weighed 15lbs. She was the exact picture of malnutrition – big eyes, no hair, only skin and bones. She just laid there whimpering as they tube fed her. How can any parent let their child starve to death? I just don’t understand. She was in the hospital for two month now they have handed her over to Amecet thinking she will die. I am thankful to report she is still alive (over a week later) and off all IVs. But she is only one of so many who suffer. So many tiny babies born into this world as their mothers die in labor. My girls do not like that so many babies are crying in their beds when we go to Amecet. Who will fill their needs? Who will touch them and love them? Who will protect them? It is so hard. The worst yet is the story I just heard. A baby was buried half way by it’s mother and left to die. Thankfully the grandmother saved the child. It is evil. I am thankful I know I serve a merciful, loving God. We go and sing there almost every Sunday night. Mary one of the older girls always comes running to hold Luka. I am thankful for Amecet and that we are able to share some of Christ's love with these precious children.

We spent last week in Kampala. We had a really nice time actually. It is nice to get away and have fun as a family for a little while. We stayed at our friend Kate’s. Our girls loved swimming in the pool there. Lydia actually learned to swim – all she really needed was the confidence. She swims under water too and loves it! We were also successful in getting Luka’s four month immunizations, our van fixed, and immigration work for Luka.
May 26
We had a Memorial Day campfire and potluck with our "muzungu" (white people) friends in Soroti. It was fun to get togather and is nice when we are all away from home thinking of our families getting togather. We had a hot dog roast with all the fixings. Even apple pie and smores for dessert. I love reasons to celebrate togather!

I think that is all for now. We appreciate your continued prayers for our lives and ministry here. It is so important to us!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for what you are doing. I know I could not handle the suffering children. I cried when I read your post about the babies. It's so sad and unjust. I just question why? You are in our prayers. Annabelle continues to pray for Lydia and her family. She loves hearing about Lydia's lifestyle. She was really hoping that you all come home next winter as well and that he and Lydia can be in the same class again. Again, please let me if there is anything we can do here for you.
