Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mandy's Journal

May 31
We went to Amecet again tonight. Each time I go I am touched. There is a two year old girl there who weighs less than my four month old baby. She was totally neglected. There is a baby who’s mother is crazy, babies with HIV, and all of them just want to be loved. Their smiles just grab you. Tim and Angie’s heart for children just shines there. They scoop up each baby and just love them. I love watching them interact with the kids there. They inspire me. Tim and Angie took Denis to Amecet with them tonight. (Denis is our old neighbor and friend. He is in his 20’s and moved here when the rebels where in his village in the North.) We love Denis he has a great heart and loves our kids. We often see him on our way to Amecet and he has always known about Amecet but this was his first time inside. He was moved. Angie said he just stood by the picture wall (pictures of all the kids who have come through Amecet – those who died marked with stars) with tears. He prayed over each baby in the baby room. He told me he didn’t know the suffering was so bad. This is coming from a kid who lived through the LRA fighting and who’s father was taken. I guess everyone hurts when they see an innocent child suffer. It is hard to take in. It was good for me to see the soft heart of a Ugandan friend. We need to take more of our friends there. It is good for all of us to have our heart strings tugged once and a while.

Luka rolled over this week. A fun first. He is so loved by his sisters. Lydia tells me often now that she wants to be a Mom when she grows up but she only wants two or three kids because she will be tired. Grace sleep with her three babies every night. Yup, Luka is well cared for with so many mommies around.

We Skyped with the Shaarda family on Memorial Day which was really cool. How nice to see each other again. Lydia was all into it. She talked and talked with excitement. The Skype connection couldn’t even keep up with her. Grace was quiet. Later we asked how she liked it and she told us it made her sad and that she misses her Grandmas. I hope we can do it again soon so the kids see family often.

We have started with our summer visitors out here. Amos, a Calvin Seminary student, arrived this past week. We have really enjoyed getting to know him. He is great with the kids and of course the girls love him. Sarah’s sister is also here visiting. We had a fun day as a team last week. We played games (because it was rainy) and had a lot of fun laughing together. It is nice having other people out here with us. I am surprised at how much busier we are than we use to be. I now have Bible study with the ladies on Wednesdays, Josh plays basketball at the Chinese with the others once a week, we have team meeting each week, we have people for dinner at least once a week, family time and responsibilities, ministry… it all adds up for a quick week. We are thankful for it all!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Your kids are so cute! Annabelle still asks about Lydia often. I am so glad that it is going well and that you are adjusting.
