Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fear, our kids, and Amecet

June 10, 2009

Before I start this paragraph let me emphasize that we are safe and fine. (Did you hear that Mothers? Please don’t worry. I am a mother too and would give my life to keep your grand babies safe. J) So, the other night the kids were sleeping and Josh and I were watching a movie and all of the sudden we started hearing noises. A gate was banging and a lady was yelling or something. We really couldn’t tell what was going on but it alarmed us. We turned off our movie and the lights and went to our room to pray. We prayed hard! We called on Jesus name. We prayed against any evil that was going on outside and for protection over us and our home. There was spiritual warfare going on in our bedroom that night. After we prayed (the noise was well over), Josh sat and read his Bible and I went to bed surprisingly with quite a bit of peace and saying Jesus name until I fell asleep.

We have no idea what was going on outside that night. I was afraid it was a robbery and they would come our way next. Josh was afraid it was abuse or worse human sacrifice. Actually, I think it may have been a crazy lady causing trouble down the road because I have seen here there before (maybe even a family member of theirs). Anyways, I do not like that we have to worry about those things here. I mean I don’t usually but when there are noises then I do because it is reality here. That night I wanted to go home and “feel” safe. I decided that fear is an awful thing! Fear can grip you and paralyze you.

So today I did a study in the Bible on the word “fear”. What does God have to say about “fear”. First thing I learned is that we are to fear one thing, God. That is a good fear. Then I learned that fear is not from God. So many verses say, “do not fear” or “don’t be afraid”. God does not want us to be afraid. And of course we have nothing to fear because we are God’s. He is our salvation, our refuge, our strength. We are secure in Him. Another verse says that when God calls us to do something we have nothing to fear. We can trust God always and all the time!

Isn’t God’s Word so good?! No matter where we are it is God we need. And He is always with us. We are safe. Thank you God!

Moving on to the kids update…we have been reading from the Children’s prayer guide where you read about and pray for a certain country or people group every few days. Lydia has really taken to it and talks about the people we read about and reminds us to pray for them. It is such a good thing. I love to hear our children talk about wanting others to know Jesus too. Grace surprised us at supper the other night and began to add. She knew 2 plus 2 and 2 plus 3. Pretty good for a 3 year old. (ow if we could just get her to learn from her punishments J.) Luka had his first cereal last night. We were surprised he didn’t seem to like it too much. The girl enjoyed feeding him though. We tried again tonight with the same results. I think he likes Zantac (yucky tasting medicine he takes for reflux) more than rice cereal. I guess we will wait and try again in a couple weeks.

I know I have written about Amecet quite a bit lately, but God has really put it on my heart and in my life so I just have to share. I went to market this week and stopped by the basket lady. I noticed a very small baby laying by her so I asked about the baby. She said it was three months old and 2.5kg (5.4lbs). The mother died and was HIV positive. The basket lady, Mary, is the great grandmother to this baby. The baby is a little girl named, Rukiya (Roo key a). She looked very sickly and malnourished. I asked Mary if she would like to go to Amecet with me and see if they could help. So the next day I brought them to Amecet. Els talked with her and looked at the baby. At birth the baby weighed 1.5kg. I was shocked when Els unwrapped the baby she was SO small. Nothing but skin and bones really. How does a child survive like that? Rukiya’s color is really bad too. Kind of a gray/green compared to the other babies. Els offered to take the baby in and help it get strong for a few months or they would help her with milk each week. Mary went home to talk about it with Rukiya’s other grandmother.

Today I went to see them. They decided to have the baby stay at Amecet so I took them there. I watched her have a bath – she is dreadfully small. Stephanie, the nurse at Amecet didn’t think it looked good. Then Rukiya drank a bottle. She drank it really well. I just love her. I am so thankful they decided to take her to Amecet. I am so thankful for Amecet. I assured the grandmother that they will love and care for Rukiya and that we are all praying for her.

I just want to cry. So much suffering. Babies hanging on to life with so little strength. It shouldn’t be! They are starving, neglected, hurting… I look at my own baby and see what all these tiny babies should look like. They should be loved, protected, cared for. I want to save and love them all. God, please hear our prayers for the children. All the new born babies who’s mothers have died. The babies who are sick, malnourished, and suffering. You are their Father. You knit them together and love them. Hold them. Comfort them. Touch them with your healing power. Use me, use your church, to be your arms of love to these children. Show us how to be Christ to them. It hurts so bad to see them suffer. To hold them and have to leave them. It would be easier to just stay away and not know about them. But You have called us to know their names, touch their faces, and care for them. Help us God to do our part. To love them while we can and bring glory to Your name.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your reminders on fear. I was struggling with this too (for completely different reasons)and your timing was amazing. Right now I'm clinging to Isaiah 41:10. And thank you for your all of your posting about Amecet. My heart cries when I read about those kids and I want to hold them so badly. It is a great reminder why I'm quitting my job and one more reason not to fear. Thanks!
