Monday, February 22, 2010

Update of this and that

February 11, 2010

Last week we went to Kampala to pick up our new one year teammates, Bobbi and Rachel Kolb. It has been really hot here (dry season) so our family planned to stay in Jinja and swim in the pool on the way into Kampala. The night before Josh prayed for a nice sunny day and I laughed at him for thinking it wouldn’t be sunny since we were in the mist of the hottest time of year. Of course God needed to humble me. We got to Jinja and it rained. We ate lunch there hoping it would pass over but it didn’t. Our girls were bummed – we all were. We decided to go on to Kampala and hope for a sunny day to swim there tomorrow. No such luck. It was cloudy and rainy our whole time away. I couldn’t believe it. We had been so hot for weeks and now when we could have a break and swim it rained. Oh well, the rain and clouds were an unexpected treat too I guess.

Kolbs arrived Friday night and we have been busy orientating them since. They seem to be great people and a good fit for the ministry here. We have enjoyed having them already. Rachel is a teacher and has already been wonderful with the kids. Luka seems to like Bobbi too. It is nice to have new friends.

Luka is walking everywhere now. So cute to see him waddle around. He loves shoes now. He came up to us and “asks” us to put them on or just carries them around. He also loves books! He will sit on the rocking chair and look at them or “read” them. Every night he is excited to read together.

Feb. 19

Too busy to write lately I guess -- just keeping up with life around here. Seems there is always something to distract us. We feel like attacks and discouragements continue to come. Amazing how many ways the devil can come up with to frustrate you. We have had a lot of broken things around here (van, fans, internet, generator, and relational issues with the stolen money, and now our landlord wants to raise our rent even though he signed a contract…!) But we keep praying knowing we will get through this. We are so thankful God is with us and we are all healthy and safe.

Lydia and Grace went to a friend’s birthday party last Saturday. They were the only white kids among a dozen Ugandan kids. I was so proud of them. They thought nothing of it and joined right in. They had a great time too. It was a really nice group of kids. They played of fun games and had lots of treats. At night we celebrated Valentines Day with some other friends. The girls made decorations and of course we had good food and games. Always fun to find a reason to get together and celebrate.

I have been teaching Lydia and Grace for about an hour a day just to keep Lydia refreshed until she gets a teacher and starts second grade. Grace is doing really well too. She now knows how to write number and letters. She even started to add and subtract this week.

Feb. 19

Last night Josh and I watched Flywheel the first movie made by Sherwood Baptist Church (also made Fireproof and Facing the Giants). I just love these movies! First I need to say to all of you movie buffs that think these movies are too unprofessional and low budget and don’t like them because of it, you are missing the message. Too many movie buffs would rather see a “professional” movie and compromise your morals instead of watching a movie that will help you and others grow closer to the Lord. So tell me which is better?

Okay so the movie was really good (yes you have to just get beyond the low budget and see what God wants to teach you). I highly recommend this one and the others. There are the movies that people should see in our homes. The stories and message are so real and fitting for our culture and church. In the movie I was struck by the difference in their marriage (and in fireproof) before he lived for God and after. It is so true. When Jesus is first place in your life you are not. You put others, your spouse, before you. Communication with his wife before Jesus didn’t happen and when it did it was anger, but after knowing Christ there was openness and love. It is beautiful. When someone truly comes to Christ their whole life is changed. Anyways, I won’t give it all away but just wanted to recommend it. May God use it to work in many lives, marriages, families, and in His church.

Feb. 22

I found out about another sad story from Amecet. A three year old boy came to them in December because his father was using him in satanic rituals maybe even attempted sacrifice. He came with a swollen body, cuts and wounds, and completely frightened. I hate hearing about this – knowing this. What do we do with all the evil and injustice? God how can any one be so wicked. An innocent, precious little child God! I can’t help but think that that would be like one of my children. It is the unthinkable. The saddest thing is the father was only in jail three days and now they are saying he can have the child back. God no!!! I saw this precious child last night at Amecet. He is so cute – playing and smiling with all the other kids. I held his hand and just wanted him to know God loves him. We have to pray for him! I simply can’t handle the thought of this child having to go back to his father. Please pray!

As I was thinking and mourning over all this last night, God brought a few chapters in the Bible to help me deal with it. Psalm 58, 35 and 2 Peter 2 all spoke to me about deep desire for justice and punishment for the wicked. God loves justice and hates evil. Even though it seems evil is winning we know God is coming to judge. We must continue to hope in the victory we have in Him. Without Him we would be hopeless. Even living in a corrupt, evil, unjust world we have peace knowing our Father is the Judge.

1 comment:

  1. We'll be praying with you for justice to prevail, and for God's protection and care over this precious child.
