Thursday, March 4, 2010


Some of you may have heard about the mudslides that have taken place in Mt. Elgon (about 2 hours from our home near Mbale). What a tragedy! We have been getting a lot of rain here. Monday the rain continued and by evening the mudslide happened. Three villages have been totally wiped out - gone. Most reports say that 80 bodies have been recovered and over 340 people still missing and presumed to be burried in the mudslide. The mudslide was about a quarter of a mile and went down about a half a mile. Articals I have read say that school kids where taking shelter in a store because the river was flooded when the mudslide happened and the whole shop is now gone with all the kids in it. A school with 35 kids in was also burried. The relief is having a hard time getting there because the roads are inpassable. The rains are continueing and people say the mountian is roaring again. The goverment is trying now to evacuate people. They say it is starting to smell there because of the burried bodies, body parts, and animals under the mud. They are worried about all of this now getting into the water and going down the mountain to other villages.

Can you imagine? If you are an American, no you can't imagine. We have been so blessed! When have we ever gone through such a tragedy that all of your friends and family, your home, and work where destoryed and taken from you in one night? Talk about sad. My heart just aches for these people. Not to mention Haiti and Chile. We have a lot to pray about! Pray with us for the people mourning and homeless from the mudslide. Pray also for safty and help.

1 comment:

  1. Our church family is praying for Luka and for all of you. Hope that by the time you get this, he is doing much better. "And my God will meet ALL of your needs according to His glorious riches that are in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:19
    Love, The VanderKoois
