Monday, March 29, 2010

Going Home!

After almost three weeks here, we are finally discharged from the hospital. God is so good! What a feeling to come with a child in critical condition and to now leave with a healthy child. What a journey it has been. Josh is so excited. I find myself quite emotional. I even cried while thanking Luka's doctor and saying goodbye. He helped save our child's life. Yup, it is a strange mix of emotions. A lot to process over the next few weeks. So today we leave Gertrude's Childrens Hospital, have our last visit with Luka's kidney doctor this afternoon, then stay at a hotel until we fly out tomorrow night.

Yesterday we had a nice day away from the hospital. Our IT friends took us for lunch, to see rift valley, and the giraffe center. We were so blessed by the fun day they gave us.

Keep us in your prayers as we travel to Michigan Tuesday/Wednesday. Pray for Luka. He is still not sleeping well at night. He has a TERRIBLE cold and cough which continues to give him a fever and keep him down. Pray for Luka as he continues his medical care under the doctors in Michigan for several more weeks. Thank God his blood level is high enough to fly (high as it has ever been through this whole ordeal) and that both toxin levels are back to normal. Praise God!

Someone wrote recently made a comment about following our story actually God's story. They are exactly right. This is God's story. Our whole lives are. It is all from God and for His glory. No one ever wants to go through tragedy or have their child critically sick, but to see God at work through it and in His people is a rare privaledge. To be able to testify of God's love and power is an honor. To give Him the glory is what life is meant to be.

We cannot begin to personally thank everyone for each word of encouragement, all the offers to help and care for us, and most of all for the faithful prayers lifted up on our behalf. We have been richly blessed by all of you. Please except our heartfelt THANK YOU! You have shown us the love of Christ.

We will continue to keep the blog updated and post more pictures as soon as we can.


  1. waaaaa hooooooooo! My kids are not all awake yet and I can't wait to tell them. Even Caleb remembers to pray for "Wuka". ;) We will pray for safe travels to Michigan!
    The Oevermans :)

  2. So thankful you are at this point! Prayers continue for safe travels and continued health!
    Michigan is waiting for you!

  3. God's story and glory, the enemy's defeat! Praise God!

    Looking forward to hearing more when you are home. Michigan is waiting for you and the sun is shining!

  4. Yeah! We are excited for you. What do you need when you get here? We would love to help in any way.

  5. Praise the Lord!! So glad that your family will be reunited shortly! Looking forward to seeing you back in MI - if there's anything we can help with, please let us know! Praying for safe and peaceful travels in the coming days! With love, LMNOR

  6. Praying for safe travels and complete rest and healing upon your return home.

  7. We continue to stand with ya'll & praise God for all He is doing. We love this sweet Luka that we have never seen! Give his sisters hugs from us. Wish we could see ya'll again. But remain grateful for those days in Malta that we could play "Oma & Opa" for your girls.
    Liz & Max

  8. Yay!!! Yes, all glory to God! I'm praying for travel time, rest, and follow up care. His peace be upon you.

  9. Hi! I am new to I Teams and look forward to meeting you both. I pastor in Michigan so I would love to connect with you and meet and pray with you. Our family has been praying and will continue to pray as you travel back.

    Keith Allison

  10. Josh & Mandy, I am celebrating with you! This is an incredible encouragement to so many.

  11. So so happy to hear this amazing news! Praise our wonderful and almighty healing God! Prayers for safe travels and for complete healing for Luka!

  12. We've been praying that God will allow you to use this experience as a testimony of His power and faithfulness. What a blessing to see that already happening. Praying for a peaceful trip for you today and getting goosebumps at the thought of your family meeting you at the airport!
    The Vredevoogds
