Thursday, April 1, 2010

We made it!

We are home - okay we are in Michigan one of our homes. Thank you for all your prayers! We got to Niarobi airport Tuesday night just in time for Luka to vomit on him, myself, and the floor. He had a fever and was shaking. Josh and I were pretty worried. We immdiatly prayed over Luka. God is so good the rest of the trip went very well. Luka slept the whole first flight (night flight) so we did too. It wasn't until the last little flight to Grand Rapids did Luka let us know enough is enough. It is a long journey but we are here safe.

Luka seems so happy to be here! He is more alive and content than we have seen him since the ordeal started. Luka's grandparents, sisters, aunt, and other friends were at the airport to welcome us. Luka went right to them - a big surprise because he hasn't liked people. He is laughing and playing. We are so glad.

Have to go now but will keep you posted. Luka's doctor appointment is Friday so we will see. Thanks again everyone!


  1. Praise God! He is so good. Our tears and prayers have been answered. Now come the tears of joy!!

  2. Glad you made it back here safely.

  3. We continue to pray for you and Luka at every meal and bedtime. We are so glad that you are able to continue Luka's care in Michigan. Are you at De Vos Children's?

  4. Tearing up at God's goodness. Continue to rest and delight in the Lord's healing. And may Luka smile and hug and jump and play for MANY great years to come.

  5. Good to hear!! Happy Eastern, enjoy all the schocolate Luka and continue fighting...We miss you here;) take time to rest all of you! Blessing from the other home, Stephanie

  6. Thanks for all your updates! Praise the Lord!
