Thursday, March 25, 2010

No tubes!

Luka is no without any tubes or cords! And he is happier because of it too. Yesterday he went in for his forth (and we pray last) surgery to remove the dialysis tube and center IV line. His toxin level are almost down to normal which means his kidneys are working. We have so much to be thankful for!

We got our first full night of sleep in two and a half weeks last night - partly due to the pain killer he was on after the surgery. Luka woke up a happy boy this morning. They are still watching this blood level and doing other blood work the next few days. The doctor said maybe we will be discharged tomorrow then need to stay around for a few days to keep an eye on him and continue the blood tests. So maybe Tuesday we will be able to fly to Michigan.

We had a wonderful reunion with our girls Monday night! What a joy to be with them again. They have really been great through this all. They were curious about Luka and his tubes but not upset by it at all. Josh and I were able to take them to a water park for an afternoon and just be together. We had so much fun! We are thankful Grandma could come and see Luka too. It was a nice couple days together. Last night our girls, Grandma, and Ryan and Rebeka left for Michigan. Josh and I were surprised we were the ones crying when everyone left. Thankfully the girls did well and are excited to go to Michigan.

Thank you for sticking with us as the weeks pass by. We appreciate every prayer and all your loving care.


  1. YEAH!!!! I am thrilled for the progress. What is going to be your #1 need when in MI? Let me know and I will do my best to make it happen.

  2. Praying for safe travels! Praising God for His awesome love and healing!!
    Love, The Westview CRC GEMS (Grand Rapids, MI)

  3. Praise the Lord!
    We at Kuyper College have been praying and passing the updates around since this began. I am so glad to hear this wonderful news!
    Stop by for a visit when you get to Michigan. We'd love to celebrate in person!

  4. How thrilling to hear this good news and to serve a God who answers the prayers of his people crying out to him. Praie God for his loving faithfulness! We will continue to pray here in Washington state for Luka's complete recovery and for your family to be reunited.

  5. Josh and Mandy,
    Although you don't know us...we've been following your story (God's story really) prayers are lifted often from our home for your little guy. We're rejoicing with you over the healing given to your son... truly faith affirming!!!
    the Kermeens (EGM)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Prayers of thanks being offered tonight for Luka's amazing recovery! What an unexpected journey for you all! Will you be at DeVos in GR? If you are, I know my friends will take awesome care of you! Wish I were part of the team to love on you all! Be blessed friends. Megan

  8. What great news. I am so happy for you and your family! What a road.... still thinking of you.
    Angela VanMaanen (Ivanrest)
