Monday, March 22, 2010

Pray for Sleep

After two long, sleep deprived nights, I felt like we better ask for some prayers. Luka is having a hard time sleeping at night. We are not sure if he is uncomfortable, in pain, has nightmares, isn't tired, or just wants nothing to do with his room anymore. Last night he didn't fall asleep until 12:30 then woke at 3:30 crying and crying. His loving father walked him for almost two hours around the hospital. Walking outside is the only thing that keeps him calm. They gave him Tylenol and put him on a drip (IV) last night but nothing seemed to help. (They are worried about dehydration now.) The night before went about the same. The only good thing is we all sleep in til about 8:30. He hasn't napped much either. Maybe he is sick of sleeping after two weeks of being in bed. All I know is if this keeps up it is going to be a long week and we are going to be exhusted. Pray that Luka settles down and is able to sleep knowing God's peace.

Like I said the doctors are now a bit concerned about Luka getting dehydrated and then ends up back where we were. He is now urinating so much that he is not keeping up with fluid intake. They said that sometimes the kidneys over react when they start working again and Luka was on meds to encourage urine so they took him back off of that. For days Luka wanted to drink so bad but was limited and of course now that he is allowed to drink as much as he wants, he doesn't want to. He no longer wants his pediasure either but is eating more. The doctors have him on an IV drip today. They are watching the toxin levels in the blood closely the next few days. His hemaglobin (blood) level went down alittle so they are also watching that. Pray that Luka drinks well today and does not become dehydrated.

We were so excited to see Luka walk yesterday holding our hands! He is weak and off balance but he can do it. He also sat up in bed to play. It is great to see such progress. Thanks again for all your prayers. We will try to get some more picture on soon and keep you up to date.

Can't wait to see our girls tonight!


  1. We will definitely be praying for sleep for all of you, and that Luka will drink and not become dehydrated. Praying that God will strenthen and sustain you through this grueling journey.
    Love, The VanderKooi's

  2. Josh & Mandy,
    I watch my little grandkids, while their moms are at work. I keep a stroller in the house. It works well, when a little one is having difficulty relaxing to sleep.

    Maybe you can borrow a stroller, from a local church. You could put a cozy blanket on the bottom and cover Luka with a cozy blanket and rock him to sleep. He might like a change from sleeping in the hospital bed.
    ALL of you are in my prayers,
    Nancy Adams, Ivanrest Church, Kristy Perez's Mom

  3. Josh and Mandy,

    Our church has been praying for you daily! And Steve reads the lastest update on your blog on Sunday mornings from the pulpit. We are so encouraged to hear how great Luka is doing. But we will continue to pray for sleep (for mom and dad too) and that he won't become dehydrated.
    We hope that you can come to the states soon!
    Just know that we are all praying for Luka and the rest of the family!
    Love Pastor Steve and Mandy Van Noort

  4. Josh & Mandy, we remember you in our prayers everyday. We will pray for sleep not only for Luka, but for both of you as well. Have a great time with mom and your girls. May God bless you.
    Dick & Pat Voetberg

  5. Thinking of you all. Hope seeing your girls gave you a boost... and Luka too! I am so happy to hear the good news that things are continuing to improve. It is a bad good thing that he does not like the hospital,a nd fusses. Hopefully that means he is feeling better! Praying for you for patience and strength. Keep looking up. You are both so strong and amazing! Angela VanMaanen (Ivanrest CRC)

  6. Keeping you all in my prayers, and if I calculate correction, you must be about to see Lydia and Grace also! So excited for you all to be reunited for a while. It's great that Luka has made such progress and I really believe God will help him overcome this new difficulty - God has taken such precious care of him recently. I really hope you both are hanging in there...that you're getting enough sleep to function well and that you aren't crashing from adrenaline loss now he's a little better...I know how that can happen. Sending big hugs and blessings...

    By the way - I just discovered my friend Roberta, with UNHCR, has had her daughter Sophie (around 4 or 5, maybe?) in hospital for surgery in Nairobi in the last week - I don't know which hospital, but if you see an Italian lady with a gorgeous mixed race daughter, say hi...they used to live in Uganda and are lovely people.

    Big hugs.

  7. Josh and Mandy,
    We pray for you daily. Prayers for Luka's ongoing healing and we will add sleep to that for all of you. Prayers for your time with Lydia and Grace and your mom for a couple days. Prayers for all of them and you as they travel back to MI soon.
    Love in Christ,
    Barb and John

  8. Continued prayers for you and your family Will Pray that your family is able to not only rest but to get some sleep and that Luka does not get dehidrated.

    The Carter Family Mc Bain CRC
