Saturday, March 6, 2010

Pray for Luka

March 6

Luka is sick today and needs your prayers. All week he had some diarrhea but acted just fine. Yesterday he began to get worse. Today he is also vomiting. So between diarrhea and vomiting (ever water) he is ruff shape. We are trying to give him little bits of water so he doesn’t get dehydrated. But we can’t get any of the medicine to stay down today. We did do lab work and so far he does not have malaria but has maybe dysentery. Poor little guy. This is the sickest he has ever been. He has slept most of the day thankfully. When he is awake he is miserable and just lays there fussing. Thanks for praying for him.

Last Saturday Josh was really sick. It is so lonely without him around. Thankfully, everyday he got better and had more strength. Amazing how much it takes out of you.

We have been enjoying some wonderful, unusual weather here. We had five days with clouds and on and off rain. It was 70degrees! Josh ever wore a long sleeve shirt all day long for the first time here. We slept under our blanket all nigh – what a treat. I love it. It is so nice when you can go for a walk or do anything and not have to be hot. I think growing up in Michigan the cooler weather and clouds are a comfort to me.

This week we got a call from our friend here and her 1 year old daughter fell off the bike and wouldn't stop crying. The siblings put her on the bike even when mom told them she was too young. She fell off and was hanging there as her foot was caught in the wheel. I took her to the clinic that night and the next day for x-rays. Sure enough the ankle was broken. They put a cast on up to her hip. Boy that will be fun for a month with a one year old. I think they just needed me for money but it does feel good to be able to help.

Lydia was outside the other day playing church with Grace. She began preaching and totally impressed me. She knows her Bible! She went through the story of Adam and Eve and how they sinned and were punished and how that is like when we sin and our parents have to punish us so we learn. Our guard John was impressed too. Josh is pretty sure Lydia knows more about the Bible than the Bible school students. I am really proud of her. I am excited to hear her faith. She really is a missionary sharing God’s story with all who will listen.

The kids have been learning the 10 commandments and it has been a great learning tool. When the girls lie or don’t obey we go back to what God told us in our memory verse. It is good for me too! Grace and I went to the store this week and a man was sitting in the back of the store tied up. Our Indian friends told us the man was caught stealing. Grace of course was very curious about this all so we had a talk about how God said in His commandments not to steal. She talked about it all afternoon and assured me she was never going to steal!

We had a picnic table made this week! I am so excited because it has been on the "want" list for a long time and I love getting projects done. We already had a grill out last night - so fun. The girls are thrilled too. We actually have been getting a lot of projects done lately; landscaping, cushions on the dinner room chairs, and other odds and ends. Unfortunately, there is always more to do. We are good we got somethings done before we are busy around here with teaching and guests.


  1. Hi Mandy,

    I hope your little Luka is feeling better! It's so hard to see your children sick.
    Carol Shaarda called me last week and said that Josh was looking for my email address. I can't find your email address on your blog so I'll try to communicate this way. My email address is
    I hope I'm not posting this to the whole world :)
    You continue to be in our prayers!
    Marlene Boven
    Cadillac CRC

  2. Dear God, I pray for Luca today and in so many ways.
    I pray that the holy spirit will guide the doctors and nurses. I pray that Josh and Mandy will have strength to deal with this. I pray that Lydia and Grace can have peace. I pray that Luca's veins will pop up and they can get an i.v. in. I pray that he will wake up and ask for his mom and dad and for a drink and that he can keep in down. I pray that you, Oh Lord will be undeniable to the doctors and nurses as they treat him and see the answers to prayers and that they will not be able to not ask questions about who YOU are oh God. Show yourself. I pray that Luca will be healed today, this very minute and that Josh and Mandy will witness a miracle. In Jesus name.

  3. I'm praying for Luka... poor little guy!

  4. I hope your son is doing better now. I pray God's blessing on your family, safety, protection and healing.

  5. I am a friend of Angie's here in Florida. My children and I stopped homeschool this morning to be in prayer for Luka. We will keep praying and following Angie's emails. Your blog is amazing. Someday we shall meet!

  6. Dear Josh and Mandy,
    You, Luka, your girls, the doctors and your family who feel helpless are in our prayers. We pray for quick diagnosis and healing.
    In Christ's love,
    Barb and John

  7. Josh,Mandy & Children,

    We are praying for little Luka and your family.I first heard the news that Luka was sick at church last Sunday. Then my husband told me the sad news. He went to mens group last night and heard Mark Shaarda tell about Luka. I googled you so that I could read your blog and follow and support all of you.
    Love and God Bless,
    Pete,Dawn,and Krystalyn"Kryssi" Carter
