Saturday, March 13, 2010

Update on our dear Luka

Hello dear prayer warriors,

This is our first chance to update you ourselves. What an emotional roller coaster! It is all so surreal yet. How quickly life can change. One moment we feel we are doing well and feel good about how things are going, the next moment we are so scared for our baby. We go one SMALL step forward only to go back again. We just want Luka healthy and safe again!!!

We will fill you in as soon as we can about the whole ordeal but for now we want to share the latest and give you the urgent prayer requests.

Last night Luka went in for his second surgery because the his tube for dialysis was clogged. I was so upset and scared again. Luka has a fever now too so I asked the doctor if it was okay to do surgery. He said we have to, he needs to be on dialysis; the value far outweighs the risk. With great fear we had to submit to God's will not knowing what that is yet. Josh and I were literally down on our knees crying out to God.
Thankfully Luka came out of surgery ok. Thank you God! By morning (we only got 4 hours of sleep) we were again feeling much better about things. Dialysis was again working well. Then we got another clog. I almost paniced. But the nursed flushed it out and it is working well again.
There is so much I want to write but that will come. Please pray for Luka's fever to go down. Yesterday the fever started which means an infection. The doctor said with all the holes put in Luka it is almost to be expected. So they are giving him antibiotics. Pray also for dialysis to continue to work well and not clog again. Pray for improvement and for us to deal with it when there is little or no improvement. We are still about the same over all but the doctor says it will take time. The doctor said that the good news is that Luka is not any worse than he was when he arrived to ICU. We are looking at at least a week or two here (to stablize Luka) and could be a total of 6 to 8 weeks in the hospital for Luka. There is a chance of coming to the States somewhere along the line. Right now Luka is in critical condition (so hard to say) because he is dependant on the dialysis, but beginning to stablize (not in immediate danger because we are doing what he needs).
We are so thankful for the care we are getting! The doctors, nurses, and hospital have been wonderful. We have full confidence in them. So far Luka has been the only child in a four bed ICU which is really nice and quiet. Not to be selfish but it would be great to remain that way.
Pray too for Lydia and Grace. They have done amazingly well but it is getting harder as the days go on. We are SO thankful for all the missionaries taking care of them! And that Grandma Beute and Tim and Angie are on the way to Soroti.
THANK YOU for praying!!! We are without words. The love we have felt is overwhelming. It is a true blessing to see everyone pull together, do what they can, and get everyone praying. Wow.


  1. Many, many, many people praying for Luka, you, and your family, Josh & Mandy! We're so thankful that some of your family is able to come be with you. Thanks for the update. Praying without ceasing,
    Amy Vredevoogd and family

  2. Mandy & Josh,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your babies. Please know that so many are praying for Luka and his complete recovery. And as we pray for his miracle we wait in anticipation for the celebration of that day.

    Keeping the prayer chain going!
    Michell Martinez (ITUSA)

  3. I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through. As a mother it is heartbreaking to see your child go through this. We are praying so much for you in so many ways. There are people who don't even know you who are praying for you. Know that God is hearing his many many of his children call out on behalf of little Luka. I wish I could be there to help out in any way.

  4. We are continuing to lift you all up in prayer Josh & Mandy. May God's healing hand be upon Luka. Blessings~

  5. We will continue to pray, know that you are not forgotten here and that our hearts are aching for your family. We serve and big God and are praying for big things!
    The Powell family

  6. Praying for you. It is so hard when your child has something so serious. Praying that you will feel the arms of God wrapped around you and your family during this difficult time. Praying that you will be able to see the bright spot in each day. It will help carry you thru the hard times each day.
    Steve & Lisa McLeod

  7. I have been following your story on FB. My heart ache's for you all. Is there a chance to have Luka moved back to the states??Know that our Lord is a loving, healing God.He has your Luka wrapped in his loving arms as we speak.My prayers will continue for all of you.So happy you have family on the way there to be with you. God Bless from Michigan

  8. Have not stopped thinking about you and praying. We will continue!

  9. You are in our prayers - and the prayers of so many of the Father's children here in Omaha (Rachel's home town) You know God loves the little ones! Glad that Rachel and Bobby are able to help out. Your girls are in good hands! May the Spirit comfort you in these difficult days.
    Mike and Sharon Maly

  10. Josh & Mandy,
    Just a note to let you know more prayers are being lifted up to the Lord as I type this. I have posted the shaarda news on my FB and have asked friends and family to also pray for your family and Luka.We can never have to much prayer in good times or prayer to God for Luka and your family:
    Dear God,
    I'm praying that you lift Josh and Mandy and the girls up in thier time of need. I also pray that you help heal little Luka and heal him and wash away the infection from his body.Oh,God I pray that dialysis will continue to go well and that there will be no more clogs. I pray that every day Luka's condition will improve and he will be back home ready to play.Oh,Lord I also pray that Luka'a fever will go down and stay down.I also pray that if the family has to come to the states that it is a safe trip for all of them.I pray all of this in Jesus' name.Amen.

  11. I heard about Luka on a prayer blog. I just want you to know that I am praying for your precious baby. I prayed this over my daughter and now I pray it over Luka:

    Luka is the Body of Christ. He is redeemed from the curse, because Jesus bore his sicknesses and carried his diseases in His own body. By His stripes he is healed. Every organ, every tissue, every bone functions and is formed in the perfection in which God created it to function.
    (Gal 3:13, Matt 8:17, 1 Peter 2:24, 1 Cor 6:20) found in Prayers that Avail Much by Germaine Copeland
