Monday, March 15, 2010

Luka's ups and downs

Hello everyone,

Just so you know I will NOT be emailing any more because I can't keep up, BUT we will just update on the blog for now (the address is below). Please keep in touch by reading updates there and feel free to keep emailing us. Pass on the word to others too. Thanks.

Now for a quick update. The roller coaster continues. One minute feeling strong and encouraged, the next (right now) I am weak and worried. Luka is still in critical condition and that is a hard fact to swallow. Really hard. His oxygen levels are still not coming up so he has had two heart tests and a lung x-ray. We know one heart test came back normal but haven't heard on the other. We also know they saw something on the x-ray but are waiting to hear from the doctor. To be honest I am worried and can't handle any more. I just want Luka to be healthy. He seems sad today. I want to hold him again and see him walk and laugh. Okay, I am getting too emotional so I better just continue with the update.

Luka had another blood transfussion last night. We saw God's hand in that as we had 8 missionaries visit us and 6 of them had Luka's blood type. His dialysis is going well which we are very thankful for. The best news is he is producing urine again!

Sliedrechts and my mom arrived saftly in Uganda and are driving to Soroti now to be with our girls. Josh's sister and brother-in-law arrive to be with us tonight.

Thank you for continuing to lift Luka in prayer!!! For praying for all of us. We love reading all the encouraging emails (when we get a chance), hearing about prays in all the churches, and everyone willing to help us. Thank you all!


  1. You are in our prayers! We are looking forward to getting to know you. Wherever that may be, here in the States or in Soroti when we come in May! We feel we know you already thru Tim and Angie and our hearts are hurting for you and your family! We know we serve a God who hears our prayers and we continue to lift them up for Luka!
    Steve and Tanya Tiesenga

  2. Dear Josh and Mandy, We feel for you guys!! We are praying for him everyday and many times during the day. We are praying that God will heal Luka completely and soon. We miss you and look forward to seeing you all again.
    Tim,Beth,Kathryn and Evan

  3. We don't know you, but we know God, and will be praying for you in Michigan.

  4. Hope this reaches you so you know we have a group of prayer warriors here in Florida! We love all of you and pray continuously! Dave and Mary Jane

  5. My dad goes to LCCRC and I follow your missionary news. We are praying for Luka and you all right now. I've also just posted a request to my Christian friends on FB to join in prayer. Many prayers are coming your way.
    In His Grip,
    Cheryl Legg and family

  6. "The beloved of the LORD shall dwell in safety by Him; and the LORD shall cover him all the day long." Deuteronomy 33:12
    Praying that you all feel covered!

  7. Oh Josh and Mandy,
    I cry every time I read your posts. My heart literally hurts for what you are going through. Today this is my prayer for you:
    Dear God,
    Please surround Mandy and Josh and Luka with your heavenly angels. God, please let the x-rays show clear lungs and a healthy heart. God, heal Luka wholly and completely right now in your holy name. We praise you for him and for the little things like him producing urine, which right now is a huge thing. Please Lord heal him. Give Mandy and Josh strength and a peace that passes understanding. We love you so much God. Amen

  8. I heard from Rebecca what was going on with Luka last week. My heart goes out to you guys. I have been thinking of him and you and praying for healing and peace. I will keep an eye on your blog.
    God bless you all!!
    Lauren Lange (Gleason)
    (From RBC 1997-98 year)

  9. Dear Josh and Mandy,

    We have been praying continuously for Luka and all of you ever since Tim and Angie posted the first news on FB. Our kids are also praying for you at every meal and bedtime. We can't even imagine what you are going through and our hearts ache for you. We put our trust in God knowing that He is powerful and all so loving. Thank you for updating your blog. We check it regularly to follow Luka's progress. Be sure to post if there's anything you need (financial and material too).
    George, Sarah, Abigail, Matthew & Elizabeth de Vuyst (in Ukraine)

  10. Josh & Mandy,
    Ten years ago today Rebecca was born and not expected to live. It was such dramatic experience that it still causes tears to flow. Your situation with Luka has stirred a lot of memories for us, too, and in some small way, we feel like we can identify with some of what you're experiencing. We are lavishing you all with our prayers and putting our hope in our God who is able to do "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine." Praying you'll be encouraged by some small sign of improvement today, and knowing how much you're loved.
    Love, The VanderKooi's

  11. Josh & Mandy,
    Grace & Peace to You!
    Many people are praying for Luka's healing and for your family. CRC Churches in Classis Columbia of the Pacific NW are in prayer, churches in Florida and South Dakota are also praying and the CR Church in Spokane, WA is constantly reminded to pray for Luka. I awake in the middle of the night to plead on Luka's behalf. We have a great and compassionate heavenly father! Cling to Psalm 46: God is our refuge and strength a very present help in times of trouble...

    With prayer,
    Perry & Kathy Tinklenberg
    Lanser (EKA) in-laws

  12. Mandy, your former coworkers at Dr H's office are praying. We will continue to stand in faith for Luka's complete restoration. We love you and know that even when you walk through the fire He is there with you!

  13. Josh and Mandy you are all in our prayers. Our church here in Cheboygan is praying for you also. May God grant speedy and complete healing.
    In Christ's love
    Barb Vanderheide

  14. Dear Josh & Mandy,

    Just want you to know that you & the entire family, especially Luka, are being continually lifted up and covered in prayer.


    ~ Miriam De Jong

  15. Continued prayers for your little warrior prince. May the doctors, nurses and all on the medical team know exactly how to support Luka and your family.
    Jodi - a friend of Megan's praying in Grand Rapids
