Saturday, June 19, 2010

Arrived in Uganda

Sorry we haven't written till now but we still don't have internet set up. However, we have made it safe and sound. Thanks for all your prayers! Everything went really well with all our travels. There has been no time to adjust we just jumped back in and started up with ministry again. Thankfully we now have a team to welcome us back. Right now we are hosting a group from Calvin Christian High School. It is so much fun!

You can pray that our kids begin to sleep all night again. We are a little tired.

We will write again soon with all the latest happenings. But for now we wanted you to know that once again we have arrived safely in the Lord's hands. Thanks again for remembering us in prayer.


  1. Praise God! I have been checking your blog daily to hear if you made it. We are glad you're there but you will be greatly missed in MI. Praying for a peaceful adjustment.

  2. Glad you made it back safely.
