Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Keep Praying

We are a bit frustrated as we foundout yesterday that Luka's urine levels are not normal yet. We got the lab report and his other doctor called. Although we are confused, we know God is still with us and will continue to heal Luka. We will see his doctor in Kenya in July so he can test his urine and check the blood pressure. We may have to go there every three months but maybe not. Time will tell. We just wanted all of our prayer warriors to keep praying!

Also, we are in full swing with packing and preparing to leave. All is well so far. Grace told me Sunday morning she couldn't wait til next Sunday because we get to go to Uganda! I am so thankful they are excited but I also have been noticing this week a few more break down than usual so I know they are emotional about the change too. We count on God's peace for all of us. Pray for Luka's cold to heal and no one else to catch it. (Oh, just foundout Luka has an ear infection.)

We drive to Chicago Sunday morning and fly out at 8pm. We arrive in London in the morning where we have a 12 hour layover (we'll get a hotel) and that evening fly to Uganda. We arrive in Uganda on Tuesday morning then drive 7 hours to our home in Soroti. Wow, hope that goes as easy as it is to type. We have one day to settle in before the team from Calvin Christian High School comes for a few days. (We'll adjust after they leave!)

Thanks for all your prayers!!! We love you all! We'll let you know how it goes...

1 comment:

  1. We'll definitely keep praying---for Luka, for safe travel, for a blessed time with the Calvin Christian students, for a smooth transition for all of you. We're so thankful for the work you are doing!
