Monday, December 20, 2010

Celebrating Jesus

December 19

Wow, what a week! As you know I got sick. I haven’t had the flu in a long time but it wiped me out. Never a good time for moms to be sick. I still went to my meeting, our Indian friends had us over for lunch and everything was all ready so I just had to go, and then it was my birthday and I just couldn’t miss out on my birthday. So I made it though everything and just laid down in between things to recoup. I admit at times I was miserable but I hate just laying there and missing out. Thankfully everyday I felt better and now I am back to be healthy. Thank you God!

So I celebrated my 32nd birthday on December 15. Although I was sick, I was truly blessed by everyone’s love and appreciation. Josh had 32 notes around the house to tell me why he loved me. The girls went shopping with Josh and got me coffee and chocolate. My family called from MI and some wrote. I got cards from all my teammates that told me how much they appreciated me. I also got cookies (that spelled out happy birthday Mandy) and pumpkin bread. Tim and Angie had us for supper – so nice not to have to cook on your birthday especially when you are sick and can’t eat much. Josh and the girls bought birthday brownies and ice cream too. I even got my first ostrich egg (only my brother-in-law could give me a gift like that). As I reflected in prayer on my life I was so thankful. Thankful to be so blessed. Before I was thought of God had a plan for me. He put me together just like He wanted me to be. I was born into a loving, Christian home. I now have my own beautiful family and husband. God is faithful to me every day. He loves me. Each year is not just another year to grow older (yikes, I can remember my parents at this age!) is another year to grow closer to God and to bring Him glory. Happy Birthday to me!

Friday I hosted a ladies Christmas tea. I just wanted to get all of us together to fellowship and enjoy the holidays. I hope it was a blessing to them – it was to me. We started by making Christmas candle holders from different shaped and sized glass jars. Everyone likes to be crafty, be creative, and talk right? Ok, I guess that could just be me but they were good sports about it anyways did it. And the jars do look beautiful with candles lit in them. Next we had a small Christmas gift exchange. And then we had tea (okay mostly punch because it is almost 100degrees) and Christmas goodies. Each person brought something to share – we had chocolate cherry fudge, orange cinnamon rolls, chocolate candies, Christmas cookies… just reading it makes you gain weight! I even made my first ever banket (the Dutch thing we always have at Christmas that has almond paste inside). Well the almond paste I made turned out too runny and run all over my oven thankfully some stayed in and it tasted like the real thing. Half of the crowd however (those not from GR) did not know what it was and I think thought it was TOO sweet. Oh well, it is all about tradition and memories. So we had a very nice Christmas party as ladies. I just love this time of year! (My lights may just become a permanent decoration around here.)

Then Saturday evening we invited our team and other missionary friends to come over for candle light Christmas carols. What fun! The kids (there were 13 of them) dressed up to be apart of the nativity. They were so cute. We had Mary (Avalien), Joseph, baby Jesus, shepherds (Grace was one of them), angels (Lydia was one of them), and wise men (Moses was one of them). It was beautiful to see them all stand up front and sing along. Precious. We read the Christmas story in sections and sang carols in between. Everyone was holding candles and our teammate played the guitar. I just looked around took in the sight and sound. This is Christmas -- celebrating the joy of Jesus birth. We read from Is. 9:2-7 and John 3:16-21 and I was touched again by Jesus birth. The Light has come! We don’t have to live in darkness anymore. Rejoice, He has given us joy and broken the yoke that burdened us. For to US Jesus is born. He will rule forever with justice and righteousness. God has accomplished this. Because He loves the world. We can be saved and live forever. He came to save the world! But the Light has come and so many have loved the darkness instead. Those who walk in truth have received the Light. Isn’t that the Gospel message in a nutshell? We have good news to share! That is what Christmas is about. Jesus, God with us, has come to save you because He loves you. Awesome. I love it! This is the message the world is dying to hear. Let’s share the hope we have.

That is just what we did on Sunday. Though the support from a church in MI and the help of our team we put on a Christmas party for the kids that live on the streets and for Elim house (a home for kids who did live on the streets). I really felt God put this on my heart a few months ago so we planned and prayed. Our goal was to share Jesus and His love with these kids and to give a Christmas to kids who would have no Christmas. All month I gathered the gifts and Saturday we had a big gift wrapping party. Today we met at the guesthouse (where the party was) early to bathe the party in prayer. How we wanted Christ to be there and glorified in what took place. Thirty four kids, eight adults who work with the kids, and our team came to celebrate. We colored, eat, watched a Christmas DVD, and gave out presents. I loved serving the food to the kids. We gave them all name tags so I could talk to them using their names and bless them with as much food as they wanted. The presents too we called them up each by name and I could tell each of them that God loves them. Each kid got a shirt, pair of sandals, notebook, pen, and soap. The only upset of the day was that some of the shoes did not fit but we will get that corrected soon. (Some of the kids on the street sniff all day long we were just thankful all went well otherwise.) Most of the kids had their new shirts on and looked very happy. The most important part of the day was the message we were able to share with them. Bobby, our teammate who works with a lot of theses kids, shared the Christmas story and why Jesus came. The good news. And I told them there was two things we wanted them to know today; that we love them and more importantly that God loves them. I hope they never forget it. It is almost unthinkable as you look out at those 34 faces that they are all alone and unloved. Some of them are six years old. Some of them have no parents but some of them do but have been completely rejected. How can this be? A child left to protect and provide for themselves. A child. That is why Christmas is so important. Jesus has come. Without Him there would be no hope in this world. But we do have hope. The Light has come. God is with us. We have the good news to share. God loves these kids. He loves them so much He gave His Son to save them. I pray this Christmas these kids will know that they are not alone and unloved but that Jesus loves them and is with them. May that fact change their lives forever.

After a week like that one has to wonder what will next week with hold…


  1. Thanks for sharing, Mandy! And happy birthday! I just celebrated my 40th on the 19th! Yikes! I thought of you last week, though, because on the 16th we had our Christmas Tea for our women's group and neighbors, and I remembered the blessing it was to have you here last year. I'm excited that you hosted one, too. Blessings to you all. We love you guys!

  2. Merry Christmas Mandy. May you find unexpected blessings in this holy season.
