Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Just and Update

Dec. 12
Just another update on happenings around here. The girls and I are enjoying school with a Christmas tree and lights in our classroom. We are doing a countdown to Christmas with nativity ornaments. Each day we have a new ornament with something on it that has to do with Jesus and His birth. We talk about it, color it, and hang it on our tree. They are also learning Luke 2 and can say it up to verse 9 so far. They amaze me with their memories.

We have had some clouds and a little cooler temperature this week! On Wednesday it rained (I pretended it was snow). I decided to take the girls to do their Christmas shopping. We don’t have much to choose from in Soroti but at least our small supermarket had all it’s Christmas lights on and the girls found something little for their Dad, Luka, and each other. I love how the girls can make even the simple things special.

This week I got the crazy desire to try to fondu. Thankfully my husband isn’t sick of all my Christmas ideas yet. So I bought a small one burner kerosene stove and prepared for our nice dinner. We had Tim and Angie over and put all our kids to bed at our house. The table was set all in Christmas flare, Christmas music in the background, candles lit the room, and we had a feast. Thankfully it worked too! Angie found a recipe to do meatballs in the fondu so that was a first. And I highly recommend onion ring batter on onions and zucchini to fondu. And we ended perfectly with mom’s famous Christmas hot fudge. It was so good and such a nice night I just had to tell you about it.

And to end that beautiful night, Grace called us to tell us she had thrown up in her bed. Bummer. We are thankful she is already doing better. I have been fighting a cold this week and today it is in my sinus’. I just plain don’t feel good. I went to church this morning but went right to bed when I got home. I really hope we are all well for the holidays.

Josh taught in Obule this week. We were really excited about this lesson because it is on marriage. We are passionate for godly marriage and it is something that is lacking here. I told Josh it really is (after God) a foundation and if they have godly marriages then everything else will be better. How we desire to see their marriages centered in Christ so that their families, their leadership roles, their churches, and communities are all changed by the example.

The bummer of the week is that our camera died and so did our generator. I kinda need a camera for Christmas! And of course the generator breaks just when we have two full days without power. Oh well, always something to be thankful for too. The power came on each night, we bought another generator (and Josh lovingly worked for hours getting the new cord set up in the attic so it will work), and we have a camera to borrow until we can get a new one out to us. All in all it was just another lesson and reminder to us how much we have and how good we have it. The girls were complaining of being bored with no power and no way to watch a video so we talked about how their friends never have power. I need to remind myself of those things when I complain too.

Other than that, we got to watch football with our missionary friends last week and again this week. Just up my alley not only football but friends and good food too. Luka loves football and just stands there saying football or throwing a ball. More importantly I was buying ribbon this week (for a Christmas project of course) and asked the Indian man what he would be doing for Christmas. He didn’t know yet and asked what I would be doing so I told him I’d be with my family celebrating Jesus birth. We had a nice little conversation so I asked if he would like a Hindi Bible. He said yes. I was so glad because he has never been too friendly with me before but now seemed to open up a bit. I have been praying for opportunities this Christmas to share Jesus love and I am sure this is just one of those answers to prayer. (Hopefully this is a “to be continued” story!)

Keep praying for the street kids Christmas party that will take place one week from today. I have been buying their presents, arranging the food, and we should have a meeting this Tuesday to finalize the plans. Pray it all comes together with joy instead of stress. Most of all pray for salvation to come to these kids – that is why Jesus came and we have Christmas. I also lines up a Christmas party with our Indian friends. They are even closing their stores early (which they have never done) to celebrate with us. So December 27 they come. Pray as they hear the story of Christ that they will hear truth and believe.

Thanks everyone!

It is now Tuesday and we finally have our internet working so I could post this. Unfortunatly I also have the flu now too. Just plain yuck. I hope to be better tomorrow (for my birthday!) and that the sickness stops with me so we can all enjoy the holiday festivaties this weekend.

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