Friday, March 4, 2011

Away for a few days - just me!

I am sitting in Kampala as my husband and kids are riding back to Soroti with our fellow team members - now that feels weird. We came to Kampala this week for various reasons but mostly to pick up new team members flying in. Unfortunatly, their one year old son got really sick and they had to delay their coming until he is better. So our plans changed a bit but no big deal we just pray their son is well soon. I remain in Kampala to go to a women's retreat tomorrow.

We started our trip on Tuesday (the kids were so excited they had a count down for days and they got up at 6am and told me they wanted to see the sunset - I think they meant set). Seems like most families don't enjoy much about their trips to Kampala because the mean buisness and traffic, but our family for the most part look forward to our breaks and try to enjoy the time away even if it is in Kampala.

We stopped in Jinja on the way and had lunch with some friends and visited an ophanage there. It was a well run place with lots of toddlers - like 43!

Wednesday we all had dentist appointments. Poor Grace has been nervous for weeks to go to the dentist. She did really good until the dentist tried to put anything that looked questionable to her then she put both hands over her mouth. The dentist was so nice. Finally, when the dentist walked out of the room Grace just burst into tears. She couldn't hold it in any longer. By the time I saw her (Josh was with her while I was with Lydia) she was all smiles and very proud of herself for going to the dentist.

Since our team mates were also in town with us, Josh and I even got to go out on a date. We went for Indian outside on the top of the mall. I love lights and atmosphere. We had the best coconut curry I have ever had! I love being with my husband.

We also finally made the big decision and bought a new fridge. Our new team mates coming want to buy ours and we really wanted a bigger one. I wrestled for months over this because it is a lot of money and was it a need or want. Yes, I run out of fridge and freezor space a lot (especially when we host for the holidays) but we have a good fridge that works well. How do you know what to do. This may seem silly, but through time, prayer, and asking others I (Josh left it up to me - I hate making decisions) decided to get it. It will be nice! (Just for clarification for everyone in America it is still smaller than all of your fridges.) Now about that washer - I am terrible aren't I!

So, like I said my family left today so they could ride in our team mates van so that our van could remain here because I have a women's conference and needed a way to get home so now a driver will take me and the van back to Soroti on Tuesday (if I took a hired taxi it would have cost over $150 - yikes - thanks for providing God). Was that a sentence or a pharagraph? Sorry to confuss you. So, yes I am excited because I am for the first time going to a women retreat for three nights. I prayed that God would provide one and He did better than that He put it at the best resort here and made it free. I will let you know how it was!

I had my day all to myself today (after the family left and a day before the retreat). It was so nice yet so weird. What do I do? I never have this. I went for lunch - a very peaceful lunch - at the mall and walked through a couple shops - quietly all by myself. Then I went to the Friday craft market and picked up a couple things and stopped at the grocery store on my walk home. Ok, you have to know I walked about 5 or so miles (with packages in hand). I could have gotten a ride but I knew I had nothing else planned today and I needed the excersie anyways. People here think I am crazy - maybe because it was about 100degrees out. I think every motorcycle out there asked if I wanted a ride. Now I am sitting here catching up on things before I eat and watch a movie. What a day! I really did enjoy it but also really miss someone to enjoy it with. I love my family and Josh is my best friends. I feel lost without him. It was really hard for all of us to seperate today - really hard. And I feel a bit guilty. Here I am alone and going to a retreat while Josh is with our kids for the next four days. I have a great husband! He loves me so selflessly.

It is now 9pm my time. It is getting lonely. I really miss my family - can I do three more nights?! They sure do fill my life. I am not quite me with them. I just called them to say good night and just hearing their little voices made me well up with tears (I guess this is how G & G feel everytime - sorry). So pray for Josh and the kids and for me. I know God will be with all of us and even bless our time apart. Only makes the heart grow fonder!

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