Saturday, March 12, 2011

Blessed Retreat!

March 12, 2011

I am back after a four day retreat that blessed me beyond words! Ok maybe not beyond words cause I am going to try to tell you about it. The retreat was put on by Pure Joy International for 50 missionary women – for free! We stayed at what I think is the best resort in Uganda, what a treat! I really didn’t know what to expect but what I experienced was the most God centered retreat I have ever had.

Each day was filled with worship, sessions, eating, free time (for the pool, resting, talking…whatever because I was on my own), and meeting all the women at the conference. Pure Joy came with a team of nine ladies – godly women. I was so excited by their straight from the Bible teaching. I felt so fed. I love the truth of God’s Word. It is all we need. The founder and main speaker was Vickie Arruda. She has been a psychologist for 30 years and knows her stuff. We talked about God’s order, marriage, parenting, identity… We had sessions from 9am to 1pm and again from 5pm to 10pm (with an hour break for supper) but it never got to be too much. Our worship was wonderful too. I just cry when I get to worship my Lord with the body of Christ. I realize how much I need it and don’t get it. I just soaked it in and bathed in God’s presence.

It was a great to fellowship with all the women. We are all missionaries, serving in the same country, some wives and mothers, most from the same culture, and all sisters in Christ. Because of all that we had an instant connection and common ground. And if you know me you know I thrive in this setting – 50 women to meet! It was fun to network, get advice with home schooling, and laugh with the ladies. I knew just a few women and even got to know them better. I was able to connect with another missionary in a remote village similar to our lives in Nigeria. It was a blessing to be able to encourage her. I roomed with Sherry (our new friend in Soroti – her and her husband Rick are here for 5 months doing wells and hopefully will be coming back long term and maybe to work with us some). I love Sherry! We are a lot alike and so are our husbands. I love their relationship with the Lord. Sherry and I literally talked late into the night (when do I ever stay up late?). How fun! I could not fall asleep with all the excitement. But each day I slowed down and slept better. Really as an extrovert I don’t go to conferences to rest but go home afterwards to do that – to many people to be alone!

Actually, I have learned I love my quiet alone time. Really love it. I think that is because it is so rare, almost sacred. I love my husband and kids but to be alone sometimes is a treat. I am so thankful for my 24 hours to myself in Kampala before the retreat and for my four days at the retreat. It was a gift from God. Thanks Lord!

I was also spoiled by staying at the Speke Resort. It is beautiful, neat and clean, tropical gardens, high standards, comfortable rooms, hot shower (with pressure!), air conditioning, great food beautifully displayed, no cooking, no clean up, pools… it was simply refreshing. Not to offend anyone but any missionary will understand it was like being out of Uganda for a few days. To top it off Pure Joy loaded us up with gifts. Every time we sat down there was gift – bracelets, necklaces, goodies, key chain, lotions, T-shirts, and lots of chocolate! They really loved on us. At the end of the retreat they gave us cards from women who have been praying for us all week. They were some of the nicest card I have ever gotten.

Then after that amazing time, I got back in our van and drove 6 hours back home (don’t worry I had a driver so I wasn’t alone). My heart was mixed with emotions. I just felt like crying. Not sad just processing the gift I was just given in this retreat. I was coming down off the mountain top back to real life. God is so good to me. He loves me. He blessed me and now I needed to go home and bless others. I was warmly welcomed by my children jumping up and down as I pulled into the drive way. I was missed and am loved. It was great to be home. My husband loves me! He took care of our kids for five days because he wanted me to go and be filled. I know I have come back a better wife and mother (Josh says I already was a good wife and mother). Luka just held me and patted my back with love. The girls wanted to tell me all about everything. I am so thankful for my children and husband.

While I was gone they had a BIG storm. Part of our tree came down and broke our picnic table. It was so windy somehow the water even came in the house and made puddle everywhere. Josh said our house was an island for a while after the rain. He thought they got 4inches in one hour. I hope it means rains are coming but it hasn’t rained again. Before the conference it was over 120 degrees in the sun!

Luka is talking so much and even learned more while I was gone. He calls himself “Yuka” and tells everyone his name. He prays now too and it is the most precious thing!

Well that is enough for now. I hope to write more about the talks I had at the retreat but I will quit here today. Thanks for praying for me at the retreat and for Josh and the kids at home! I pray all of you take the time and opportunity to fill yourselves spiritually – which also refreshed you physically. I stress you (and I ) have to TAKE it because we often think we don’t need it or have a hundred excuses not to do it. Trust me we all need it. May God bless you with the blessing of a retreat.


  1. Sounds like such a time of blessing and encouragement. How wonderful that there are organizations that put on events to simply refresh the body and soul of those who are serving.

  2. Mandy,
    I was so blessed by your blog. I will continue to pray for you. I can't tell you how much I miss you, your family, Uganda and our Ugandan friends. I am so happy you were able to go to this retreat and be spiritually renewed and rejuvenated. Josh is right, you are a good wife and mother! I was blessed to spend time with you and see you in action. You ooze heartfelt love! I pray that you may continue to feel close to Jesus no matter where you are or what you are doing. Love from afar!
