Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rain & More...

March 22

It is raining! I know most of you in Michigan don’t appreciate clouds but what a blessing it is to me. We went from over 100degrees to around 70degrees when it rains – that is sweatshirt weather here! I love not being so hot and being able to be outside without complaining. Yes, it is still hot when the sun comes out but when there are clouds and when it rains it is great. Everything is turning green – we may have a lawn again soon.

We went camping this weekend by the waterfall with our team and some other friends from Soroti. What a fun to be together in such a beautiful place. The kids loved playing in the stream and getting really muddy. They did such a good job using their imaginations to play and explore. The adults enjoyed a lot of talking, a game, and sitting by the campfire. I am so thankful for friends to just hang out with. We need to take time to get away and just be sometimes. We got rained on a bit but no one seemed to mind. I think we even enjoyed it because it meant sweatshirts and coffee.

On Sunday we had our own worship service – songs, prayer, and I led a short Bible study on trust. I love sharing God’s Word but get so nervous and feel totally inadequate. Thankfully it is God’s work not mine. One of our teammates said she loves my heart for ministering to the team. I really do want to minister to them. In the afternoon we went to the pool then ended our weekend at the Indian restaurant.

On our way home we hit a really big rain storm. The road had rivers over it. And the van we were using (ours was getting a new starter put in) began to leak. Lydia was trying to catch it at first but it just leaked more and more until it was like raining on both sides of the back seat. Lydia crawled in the way back trying to stay dry. Grace, who was sleeping, woke up in shock as she was being rained on. She was so upset by it all as I tried to comfort her in the back she said, “I feel like Jonah. Did I do something bad like disobey you?” What a girl. We found out that the sunroof was open a half an inch so that may have caused the problem but even with the window shut in the back it was just a raining in. The car seats were soaked. Thankfully we made it through the storm and even safely home.

The other week when I was in Kampala I walked home from the mall and was so disturbed by the children beggars I saw. I have seen them before but that day I was more troubled than usual. First I saw a one year old sitting all alone on the sidewalk of a VERY busy street. The baby was all alone just sitting there. I saw other kids begging but no mother. Was she around? I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to just keep walking and forget about it but I knew I couldn’t pick the kid up and take it either. A little further down the street there where a handful of kids and a couple teens busy digging in the garbage for treasures (cardboard to sit on, a scrap to make something or even eat). They were so enthralled they didn’t even see me. At the corner I saw two police and thought this was my best option for the baby back on the sidewalk. They walked back to check things out. I was glad I did something. There were literally 3 year old kids begging on this very busy street in the middle of all the cars – all alone. And that wasn’t the first time I’ve seen them this young. Most of the kids where Karamojan. It breaks my heart and makes me feel so helpless. No child should have to learn how to beg. What a contrast from our children. Too often they have it all and still complain – so do we adults. I have learned life the way God meant it to be is about balance. He doesn’t want us or anyone else to live impoverished but He also doesn’t want us to live with too much. God help us as we find the balance in living for you.

I didn’t mention my last couple entries because they were full already, but I do want to remember with you the year anniversary of Luka’s healing. What a flood of memories. We are still praising God! Hard to believe we were in that hospital a year ago. Although we don’t want to have to go through something like that again, it is a true blessing to see all God did, taught me, and how much deeper my faith went. No one will ever be able to tell me God is not real. Another great thing was all the love, prayers, and help we got from the body of Christ. From all of you! Every day with Luka is a gift that we are thankful for. What a good reminder how precious life is and who the giver of life is.

Josh is teaching all week in Katakwi. Poor guy was wet and freezing by the time he got home last night. (But I had a hot bath, hot supper, and coffee waiting for him.) He is teaching on marriage and family which we believe is so foundational if the church is to grow here. He taught a few days last week too and the testimonies continue to encourage us. Obule had the teaching on marriage and reported back so many ways God used it to change their marriages. Really they are simple things like being home and together, communicating, helping, saying I love you…but literally things that have never been done in their marriages. Some of them were ready to call it quits but now are willing to keep trying God’s way now. It saddens me that these are all church leaders trying to lead a church while failing at home. How God wants order. He needs to be the foundation and center, then marriage will be blessed, then family, then His church. That has to be the order. Keep praying for God to use His Word to show the people here His desire for marriage and family. (Sound like a message for North America too? Share it!)

I may have said this before so if I did forgive me. Every week is full of teaching our girls, cooking and keeping up with things at home, exercise, devotions, corresponding home, visiting local friends, meeting with our team, having people over for meal, fellowship and encouragement, Bible study…and I am thankful for it. Yes there are hard times and I am overwhelmed or ready to quit, but overall I feel I have found my place. God has been so good to confirm to me over and over lately that I am being used by Him in all the little things He has given me to do. That is what it is all about isn’t it? Doing just what God wants each of us to do and what He has equipped us to do – nothing more and nothing less. It is a joy to be using the gifts God has given to me to bless others. I love that through my encouragement, meals, Bible study, notes, and creativity…God can work. I feel fulfilled. I am filled with the Lord and He is using me. What an answer to prayer.

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