Saturday, June 18, 2011

Celebrating Marriage!

June 18

Tabitha and I visited Immaculate this week to see how she and the baby were doing. I was so thankful to see Immaculate so happy. She smiled a lot. She wasn’t feverish or sick anymore and her crippled hip/leg was better too. She still limps but at least can walk on her own now. We think the birth caused dislocation and extra pain. She said the baby had been sick with a fever and throwing up. I was concerned so she took us in the hut to see the baby. Thankfully the baby was no longer hot or throwing up and still looked healthy. I stayed to make sure it was still nursing well too. It was good to see that Immaculate loves her baby too. The baby would smile in its sleep and she would tell all of us to look with excitement on her face. Immaculate’s mother came while we were visiting too. She is a beautiful woman too. She said she does not drink and all the neighbors in the hut with us confirmed. I was glad to hear that. I asked about the man in jail for raping Immaculate and they said they needed to bring a birth certificate to see that she is 13 so they can sentence him to prison. The birth certificate cost 5,000 (about $2) to get and they don’t even have money to eat so they didn’t get it yet. I talked with Tabitha about if I should give them the money or not. I purposefully came without anything to give so they knew I am just their friend. But I did not want to see this man go free. Tabitha said we should give it to her and that she would use it for the certificate. So I gave the mother the money.

I was so glad the visit went well. Even though the poverty is staggering with Immaculate, her family, and the whole area, I could walk away with thankfulness. Immaculate had joy and I believe it is because Jesus loved her through us. I will try to visit her once more before we go. I do want to give her and the baby an outfit and she needs a lock for her hut. She lives there alone and props a stick at night to protect herself. She said she is a believer but we did not recognize the church she said she goes to. I will also give her a Bible. Today they called Tabitha and said the baby is sick. Keep praying with me for this sweet girl and her baby.

I had so much fun today giving a wedding shower to my friend Rebecca! It was beautiful!!! Rebecca has grown so much in her new relationship with the Lord and it is a joy surrounding her with godly friends to encourage and support her. We wanted to bless her and her marriage with God’s Word and prayer. Her wedding colors are white and gold so we did a mini wedding reception in those colors. White table cloth, white flowers, gold ribbon on the bride’s chair, gold candle sticks with white candles, gold beads spread out on the table, wedding music playing… And best of all Jim (our new teammate who happens to be a pastry chief) make an amazing mini wedding cake – BEAUTIFUL!

Jennifer, Beckie, Margaret, and Miranda came to the shower. We put Lydia and Grace’s play wedding veil on Rebecca when she arrived. We had a great brunch then all gave a toast to the bride. We played a couple games then gave her our gifts – recipes and an apron, books, music, and a pretty pj (pretty good for finding gifts in Soroti!) After that we cut the cake. We ended with reading from Joshua 24 and Mark 10. Praying Rebecca and her husband to be will choose to serve the Lord as a family and always remember that what God joins together let no man separate. Then we prayed.

I love having women to fellowship with. We laugh, we cry, we bless one another. It is so fun for me to be creative and love on people. We love you Rebecca! May the Lord fill your marriage. (Rebecca and I have grown so close that she has asked me to pray about coming to the wedding in CA in August. At first I was like yah right I am only home three month in MI far from CA, but then Josh said I have his blessing because Rebecca needs support from her Christian friends. So we will see…)

Today is also our anniversary! Josh and I have been married 12 years. What a true blessing. So it was extra fun to celebrate marriage today as it is our anniversary. When God is the center and foundation marriage is so good. I love my husband. He took me on a safari in April so tonight we will just go for supper together. Thanks for all the emails and cards everyone.

Thank you too everyone for thinking of us and praying as Grandpa Shahl’s funeral took place this week. We felt very loved and remembered. Thanks. God’s peace has defiantly been with us.

Happy Father’s Day Dad! So thankful to have a great father and wonderful father-in-law. Thank you for following and sharing the Lord with me!

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