Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Day Like None Other!

June 11

You never know what a day may bring or what the Lord has in store for you to do.

The day began unusual with a breakfast date with my husband. Beautiful, quiet place with Josh, a cup of coffee – and the NBA finals replayed on the tv (I know I am so weird but I like it too). Shortly after we got home from our date Tabitha returned from the police station where they have finally arrested the boy who impregnated Irene (until he pays the fine for impregnating a minor). She begins to tell me about a thirteen year old girl there who had a baby last week because her father raped her. She said the girl is sick, weak and crippled. The police ladies asked Tabitha if she knew anyone who could help this girl. I asked a few more questions to make sure we should get involved. I talked to Josh and called Jennifer to see what we should do. Jennifer agreed that we can’t know about it and do nothing. Josh and I felt we had to do something to show this girl she is loved. So off to the police station Jennifer and I went. My last word, “I have no idea what we are getting ourselves into.” How true.

We got to the police station and found out the girl had left with her mother. The police lady was pleased to see us though and wanted to take us to the girl. Next thing I know they have the man who raped the girl in the office giving them directions on how to get to the home. I was so discussed with him – how could any human? I was shocked once again how normal a person can look that has done such an evil thing.

The police ladies took us to camp Swahili where the girl lives. The moment we got there we had a crowd around us – adults and kids alike. We found the girl, Immaculate, lying on a mat by the baby. Jennifer saw right away that she was anemic and had a fever. I scooped up the baby -- a beautiful, healthy newborn. The mother was not there but some of her younger dirty siblings were and a neighbor was helping. After a long discussion, mostly not in our language, it was decided that we would bring her to the clinic to get checked. The baby had no name yet so Immaculate named the baby while we were there, Kristine (after her mother). Then Immaculate got up to bath before coming with us it was then we could see how crippled she was. She could not walk without falling unless someone helped her. The police kept saying it was a desperate situation. Most are here but this girl really did need help. I didn’t know what we could do but we would love her with the love of Jesus.

We took Immaculate to the clinic where the doctor said her tear from birth was infected and ordered some lab work. While we waited we took her to Amecet to see if they could help in any way. While Jennifer waited with her I went to get Margaret (our new teammate) to go to the store and get some things for the girl and baby. Of course it started to rain one of those long, heavy rains. Josh was in Obule with Jim doing church visits with the leaders there, my kids were at home with Tabitha (oh, Luka was with me), Jennifer was at the clinic waiting for me, and Margaret and I were stuck at the supermarket. It was a crazy day. With the help of our Indian friends, who pulled my van up to the door and escorted us with umbrella, we were able to go. Margaret was impressed how they treat us like royalty (guess that is what you get when you spend a lot of money at their store each week :)). When we picked up Jennifer and Immaculate and shut off the van and when I went to restart it there was nothing. Nothing! So we prayed and a few minutes later the van started again. Amecet decided the baby needed to stay with the mother which we agreed with but we just don’t know what to do for her seeing she can’t carry the baby because of her handicap. They also said that it was not her father that impregnated her but her husband.

I was confused why the police would have told us that if it wasn’t true. I decided to try to talk to Immaculate more because she seemed to know some English. From what she said to me it was her grandfather who raped her. I think she thought we were going to take the baby or help more than we did. I also talked to her about how the rape was not her fault and that she is innocent. That God loves her and the baby very much. She hardly said anything and I don’t know what she understood but I wanted her to know she was loved. I prayed with her too.

After was dropped Margaret off at my house and got Tabitha, we went to bring Immaculate home. On the way Tabitha asked Immaculate more questions for me to clarify some things. From what she got it was her mother’s husband or boyfriend with which she had four children that raped her. Whoever it was it is wrong! She also assured us she would care for the baby. Of course the crowd gathered when we arrived. Tabitha and Jennifer helped Immaculate and the baby to their home. I gave Tabitha a bag with food and soap but she said if all these people see it they will become jealous and steal it or treat her badly. I was so annoyed. Literally you can not help here because it makes trouble. Jealousy and selfishness reign. I have lived here four years and I still don’t know how to give and help right. Giving here is complicated and dangerous if done without a trusted Ugandan friend (Christian friend)! This is so important so I have to say it again, giving and helping here is not what we always think and we must be very careful. Immaculate’s mother finally showed up so Tabitha said we could now give the bag to her. I was so thankful for Tabitha’s help and wisdom.

Here is where the day got a whole lot worse. I decided to back up while Tabitha and Jennifer were helping Immaculate home. It was still rainy and muddy, kids were everywhere, and I backed right into a hole – a big hole for garbage I think. I was so mad at myself! I thought a crowd had gathered before but now I had a crowd. I wanted to hide. Thankfully men began to help. One man said he was a driver and would help drive it out. For some reason I let him. I stayed in the passenger seat the whole time to watch him. Later I thought, he smells like he has been drinking – what have I done?! Everyone smelled like they had been drinking even Immaculate’s mother. So there I was stuck in a hole, in a camp, surrounded by a crowd that has been drinking, while they are picking up our van to get it out of the hole. Oh man! Needless to say, I said a little prayer. About then Tabitha and Jennifer came back. Luka was sitting in his car seat this whole time calmly taking it all in.

The people (men and women now) dug, picked up the van to put boards down, and pushed. I kept thinking these people are getting muddy to help a stranger. I was impressed by that. FINALLY…we got out! I was so thankful!!!

Now I was worried about a riot over money to thank them for helping. Tabitha said some of the people wanted to just let you remain there and sleep in a hut for the night. Others wanted money for helping. Thankfully some said no we need to help her. Tabitha gave the two men who helped the most a little. And with that we were off. Unfortunately, we will have to go back there again next week to check on Imaculate and the baby. But I will not be backing up!

Not the end of the story. When we got home Josh shared with us what happened in Obule where he and Jim where. They visited a couple because the man had believed a cultural lie that he could no longer be with his wife because of the surgery she had so he took another wife only to send her back because he couldn’t pay for her. Wow, what a mess. So the wife is still upset and the man is guilty. Thankfully, they could share the grace of God with them. Then they met with a teenage girl who is oppressed spiritually at times. They shared God’s Word with her. She confessed her sin and rededicated her life to Christ! Then they prayed for deliverance and claimed Christ’s authority over her life.

So my conclusion, I was stuck in a hole and the van didn't start because of spiritual warfare. In Obule a girl was being set free and found new life in Jesus so satan was not happy. BUT we won! God is so good!!! I was so glad at the end of the day our team gathered around our table and recognized God at work. An unloved teenage mother was loved and another girl now knows Jesus. As crazy as the day was I’d say that is a day worth celebrating.

I have to add there is a lot going on once again to pray about. Yesterday Josh’s grandpa Stahl died. We knew it was coming but it is still difficult to let a love one go. We are so thankful he went peacefully. Pray for grandma who lost her best friend, Josh’s Mom, relatives, and for us as we grieve far away. Again we see how live is in Jesus. We rejoice that grandpa loved the Lord and shared it with all of us!

Also Tim and Angie, my sister and brother in law, went for their last frozen embryo transfer only to find out the embryos didn’t live through the thawing. Pray for them as they again mourn. These are precious babies thrown away by someone who made too many and given a chance to live by my sister and brother in law. I am so thankful for them – just wish I could be there to hold them. Pray for their peace as they allow God to heal their broken hearts.

Like Angie and I were saying today we rejoice because those who died are in heaven with Jesus but we mourn because we loved them so much. How I long for everyone to know the hope and joy we have even while crying.

Pray too for our kids especially Grace. She has been breaking down crying a few times the last couple weeks. I think it is just unable to communicate what she is feeling. She is missing loved ones, excited to go to MI, yet unsure about leaving her home, maybe worried about death… We decided to not tell the girls about grandpa because they already have worries and wouldn’t understand which grandpa this was because they have so many. Even with not telling her last night she was asking about heaven, dying, and said she doesn’t want to go to heaven…then started balling. The only thing I could get out of her was that she missed Avalien (her cousin who is in MI right now). So pray for peace for our kidos.

Let’s leave on a happy note, Luka moved into a big boy bed today! He loves it and even stays in it. (Wait that means for the first time in 8 years there will be no one in a crib – I am not sure I am ready for that!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Mandy, what a day! I pray for you and miss you, your family, the team and all we loved while in Uganda. Your blogs make me laugh, cry and miss Uganda in ways I cannot express. I cannot wait to see you guys when you're here in MI. Give your girls a hug for me and let then know I think of them often and pray for all of you! I have a present for them (and you) that I've meant to mail and haven't. I will save them and give them to you when you come. Love you all! What a blessing God has given the people of SOroti through you. Know that you are loved and prayed for! Julie
