Saturday, December 10, 2011

2nd Annual Ladies Christmas Tea

December 10

I wanted to take a week off from writing but then we had our Ladies Christmas Tea and I just have to tell you how much fun it was! Earlier in the week I was about to call the whole thing quits. It seemed like no one really knew what was going on, couldn’t come, or didn’t seem too interested. Besides that I had been trying to come up with a Christmas craft for a couple weeks and nothing seemed good enough. I had made a few things and made lots of runs to town getting what I needed or hoped for. So I was doubting the whole thing. Josh assured me I should do it and I knew I should too so I began to pray over it. I asked God all week to be present at the tea and bless the ladies…and He did!

I really enjoy anticipation and preparation. The whole day was Christmasy and exciting. The house was filled with Christmas music, lights, decorations, and all ready by the time Angie, my sister, came over at 2 to start the pumpkin lattes (from scratch – the best!). It was fun getting ready with her and talking together. All we needed was snow instead of sunshine and it would have been just like at home. The ladies arrived at 2:30 with gifts and goodies. We all sat together fellowshipping while making Christmas crafts. I had to be creative but the ladies seemed to really enjoy the crafts. We made rag wreathes, pipe cleaner ornaments, bell and ribbon to put on the door, and Christmas tree with ribbon. Not everyone is crafty but they did it with a smile on their faces. I love being with the ladies and being, talking, and being creative all at the same time! There were 13 of us so the room was buzzing.

After that we moved into the other room for the gift exchange. Everyone brought a gift and we had to write something about ourselves no one else knew and guess who it was. If you guessed right you got to pick a present. I got an ornament, pot holders, two candles and lotions – quite a gift! Then our teammate Margaret gave each of us the Team Beyond cookbook she put together with all our recipes as a gift. Fun!

Before we ate I read from John 1:1-14. What a beautiful passage on Christ coming and plan. He made the world but the world did not recognize Him. He came to His own but they did not receive Him. But to those who to receive Him and believe He made them children of God. Not of natural descent or a husband’s will but born of God. Jesus became flesh and lived among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of God! What a reason to celebrate Christmas together!

Then we eat – boy did we eat! We literally had a table full of Christmas goodies. It was beautiful. I made a tea ring (cinnamon rolls in the shape of a wreath) and mocha mint brownies. Everyone brought enough so that we could eat one and take one of each home – kinda of cookie exchange. We all went home with a plate full of goodies.

Everyone stayed and chatted for a long time. It was great. The ladies loved it, enjoyed getting together, and were very thankful. A few people talked about how it was the first time it felt like Christmas. Others told me how welcoming my house was. One told me it was the best day she has had in a while. Everyone thanked me and I thanked the Lord! He really did bless us.

My only regret is that it went too fast. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Can’t wait till next year! Or I will just look forward to my birthday this week…

1 comment:

  1. Oh what fun! So glad the day was a blessing for u and all who came! Happy birthday to u too....a. Little early!
    With love, michelle
