Sunday, December 4, 2011

This week in Review

December 4, 2011

December is such a wonderful month. All the anticipation, lights, Christmas music, get-togethers, my birthday, Christmas…what a lot to enjoy. I have to admit yesterday I was really homesick for Christmas in Michigan. I wanted to put a sweater on, go to the mall with the family, see all the Christmas decorations, and go out for supper. Instead I put Christmas music on, put a fire on our TV (thanks to a DVD from my husband with all fireplaces you can watch and listen to – I love it), made stromboli, and sat by our Christmas tree with my family. Sometimes it is still a sacrifice to be away, but really what do I have to complain about? It’s Christmas time!

The week of Thanksgiving Grace kept saying to us, “I was sad when Grandpa Stahl died but now I am happy that he is in Heaven.” Grace is a lot like Josh and needs to process and it takes time for her to deal with change so it was the first time she talked about Grandpa Stahl dying. It seemed perfect with Grace thankful for Grandpa being in Heaven to tell the girls about Great Grandma Shaarda’s death. So we got a picture of Grandma out and sat Lydia and Grace down and told them. Lydia cried and Grace just sat quietly. Josh shared stories of Grandma from when he was a boy. It was a nice time of remembering Grandma, mourning together, and celebrating her love for Jesus.

A couple nights later at our team worship we were praying and Lydia prayed that Grandma Shaarda was having a good time in Heaven and that she could now talk better. She also asked God that Grandma Stahl would stay health and be alive next time we go to Michigan.

If you haven’t heard Tim & Angie (my sister and team leaders) are expecting a baby in June! It is a true miracle. After eight years of infertility (a 2% chance of ever getting pregnant), three adoptions, and frozen embryo adoptions – they are having a baby. That is God at work in His own time and plan. Lydia was so cute when she announced to her Grandma that Aunt Angie is having her first white baby!

Lydia had a really cute week I guess. The funny thing is she doesn’t even realize she is being funny she is just being herself. She came out of bed one night and showed Josh and I a spot by her nose. We told her it was a zit. She looked at us with excitement and said, “You mean I am becoming a young lady?!” Later she told someone she is now getting zits like her Daddy.

Josh taught in Obule this week. He started a new course on Freedom in Christ. He has been spending a lot of time preparing the course and it seemed satan wanted to discourage him because he seemed to be under a lot of stress and things were just not going well in our family. We prayed over it and knew God would use this course in powerful ways. Josh came home from teaching the first day excited and exhausted. It was deep material but once the people got it it was worth it. I could see the stress in Josh was gone. He said by afternoon it was light bulbs went on and the people were changed by the message. The second day went just as well. The people realized they were saints, they have assurance, when people sin they can still be used by God, they don’t have to work for their salvation, God loves them and they are part of His family based on what Christ did. Amen! What really impresses me about the people in Obule is that they learn something from God’s Word and BELIEVE it. It changes their lives! When we were in Michigan I thought there was so much work to be done then I realized the Truth is there but people aren’t putting it into their lives. It doesn’t help to know something without believing it.

Josh and I had a couple nice dates this week. We realized we need sometime together to connect again. It was a lot of fun. My husband loves me and I sure love him!

I also got to go to a yard sale this week. Some missionary friends had too much stuff so they had a sale. I even got a lazy boy! Now our family is fighting over sitting in it. It is so comfy. One teammate thinks we should raffle off tickets to see who gets the chair Christmas Day.

Karen Lubbers arrived this week. She was with our team a couple years ago for a year (taught Lydia 1st grade) and has now joined our team. Never a dull moment here!

I think that is the wrap-up for our week. Looking forward to next week and our Ladies Christmas Tea! May God be with you this week too.

I forgot to put Josh's Thanksgiving poem in last weeks blog so here it is:

THANKS by Josh Shaarda
T is for Team Beyond, this family here today
Was divinely selected to serve, eat, and play.
H is for hungry, which I am thankful I am not
But to hunger for righteousness is our God-given lot.
A is for Amanda, known to some as Mandy
The amazing woman God gave as he perfect wife for me.
N is for new experiences, we felt were too cool
Colorado, potty training, Mombasa, and the 1st day of school.
K is for kids, three great ones we’ve got
We love them unconditionally, even though perfect they’re not.
S is for Soroti, the home for our family,
I thank God He called us where He wants us to be.

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