Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Express

Feb. 11, 2012

This week began with the super bowl. A few crazy guys, even my husband was convinced, got up at 2am to watch it live. The rest of us watched the replay in the evening together. There was yummy food and great company so we had a good time.

The rest of the week was filled with teaching – Josh with Freedom in Christ, home schooling, and I taught on purity to the women and teenage girls in Obule. The other ladies on our team came with me. It is so nice to have their support and do it together. I led the Bible study, Jennifer helped with the extras/examples on the results of sexual sin, and Margaret gave her testimony. I enjoyed sharing but wish there wasn’t such a language barrier. 35 women and teens came. I know God accomplished His will. I had more respect for Josh teaching every week when I was done – I was tired.

The night before I taught Luka got a 103degree fever. How quickly I can become scared. He was so hot and uncomfortable. Josh and I prayed over him. By morning the fever was 101. He didn’t have any other symptoms. By the time I left to teach the fever was up to 102 so we prayed over him again. While I was teaching Josh let me know the fever was gone and he was playing again. The fever never came back and he never got sick. My only explanation is attack. I believe satan was trying to stop the purity teaching in Obule. How better than to make the teachers kid sick. But our God heard our prayers and healed our son. And brought His message of purity to the women in Obule. Victory!

Last night our team celebrated Valentines. We had our first ever progressive dinner. We had appetizers at one home, dinner at another, and dessert at another. It was a fun change of pace. Our evening ended with a team dance party. What a riot! It is good to see another side of each other and just have fun. The kids loved it. Dancing under the African stars is pretty memorable.

Josh and I watched the movie The Express the other night. It is the story of Ernie Davis. If you don’t know who Ernie Davis is, I didn’t, he is the first African American to win the Heisman trophy (the best college football player of the year). Most of you know I like to watch football but even if you don’t this is a great story!

I was so moved by the story I was weeping by the end (surprise, surprise – me emotional.) The story took place in the late 50’s early 60’s and racism was ramped. I was struck again by the hatred simply because of color. I was sickened by the behavior of white people, my people, and even shouted at the TV for the first time in my life. I was embarrassed by what we did and said. I was so ashamed. I cried. For the first time in my life I took responsibility for the sinful treatment my people were apart of. I needed to repent. It was wrong. It hurt so many people. We hated God’s beloved children. What a sin.

The beauty of the story is how Ernie and others responded to the hatred. He was the most humble, sweet young man. He was brave yet respectful. He was wise and fought peacefully for what was right. He was calm yet gave his all. He did not give up and showed so many people he was a good person. He was respected by so many people because of his character. He rose above the evil of the world and did what was right – and won.

In the movie I saw that some of the root of the hatred was fear. Fear of the unknown. They didn’t know the African Americans but feared them. Fear because of their differences. I love how it showed once someone got to know an African American as a person the fear was gone. How thankful I am for the few people who stuck out and got to know African Americans as people and stood up for and with them. Saddly, there is still some of the same sin that remains today. The fear is there when someone if different than we are. When we group people together instead of getting to know a person. We begin to think we are better. Pride sneaks in. Injustices happen and we just keep quiet because it isn’t affecting us.

After watching the movie (I wont tell you the whole amazing story so you will go and watch it for yourself), I went into the other room got down on my knees and cried. I repented for the sin of my people and nation. How we have sinned. I want no part in it. I will love because God is love. He made and values all of His children and I will too. He hates injustice and I do too. I also thanked God for His people. Black, white and all colors who where courageous enough to stand for what is right. What an example. I want to make a different by standing for truth and loving the unloved. How good God’s grace is! He has spoken, forgiven, and now will use us to do His will.

I challenge you to watch The Express not just as entertainment but allowing God to speak to you through the story of a brave and humble young man, Ernie Davis. (Warning: there is some swearing and taking God’s name in vane.)

Now I am sick today. I am super tired and ache all over. Thanks for your prayers for all of us. God be with you this week,


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