Monday, February 27, 2012

Just an Update

February 25

Hi, not too much to report here. Did I tell you we have owls that live in our tree and hang around our yard? A few weeks ago our guard was trimming the hedge and there was a baby owl sitting there. How fun to see a baby owl up close and personal. We could see its mother in the tree above and later another baby owl appeared. Last week we had six owls in the tree! I am sure some were the babies. It is hard to tell because it is very small kind of owl. Anyways, it is kinda cool to have owls around.

We actually got a little rain this past week! Not much at all really but the clouds came and so did the humidity. Every time it rained (it only ended up being a few drops) Luka got his rain boots on, his sweat shirt, and umbrella and headed out the door. Poor kid by the time he got there it was over. I wish it got cool enough for a sweat shirt but it looks like rainy season may not quite be here yet.

Luka continues to prove to me that boys will be boys (even with two older sisters). He now likes to carry heavy things for us and tell us he is strong. When Lydia was carrying something he was determined that he should and then showed us his muscles. It is pretty cute when a three year old wants to be our hero. He also loves to hunt in the yard with his dad. They pretend to get elephants, lions, and of course big bucks. I am not sure if Luka or dad has more fun.

Josh and I continue to see a heart of mercy in Grace. She loves caring for people when they are sick and the other night when we were praying for kids who live on the streets and on garbage dumps she began to cry. The next day she had some of her money that she wanted to give to our teammate to help the street kids in Soroti. Praise God for her love and mercy.

The girls have been a bit homesick for loved ones in Michigan lately. I can’t blame them there just isn’t much going on right now. Thankfully school has been going pretty well. We are half way done with our school year! We get to start book number 2 in most subjects next week. Grace was so excited she thanked me for her new Math book.

I love doing History with the girls. What a reminder it is that our country was founded and built on Christ. We had a sure foundation. No wonder God blessed it. Even those who came over came for freedom to worship God. They were considered “religious fanatics”. Mission was also a desire of those first Americans. It is beautiful, challenging, and encouraging to read the stories of Christians who stood on God’s Word. Over and over I keep thinking, how sad where are nation is now. God is being kicked out of the nation founded upon Him. Christianity is now the only religion that does not have freedom in our schools, courts, and society. How our Father must mourn. I weep for the sins of our nation. We are letting go of God and truth and letting every other religion, falsehood and sin in to lead us. So Christians where are we? Are we going to sit back quietly and watch our country say no to God and His way? Are we going to stand for truth and against falsehood and sins? Are we going to support those defending truth and elect people who love the Lord and obey His Word? Are we going to call out to God in prayer? We must do all we to keep God in our country – the one He built and blessed.

Josh has been busy lately. He taught two days this week, went to Obule a couple times to talk with government leaders about the well digging our teammates will be doing, he has been meeting with teammates, leading meetings… He is really excited about our team and our focus on Obule. I am too. God just put it all together. I am so blessed by the church in Obule. They really love the Lord. What could be more exciting than to work with other believers to bring Christ and His Word to others?

Today we visited two of the families in our church who have had babies. I haven’t sat at a compound in the village in a while. It just takes me back to Nigeria. -- familiar sights and smells. It is peaceful except for all the kids that end up following us. Luka loved it. The girls not so much. They were very worried when Luka was chasing baby pigs and touching them. It’s a boy’s playground out there. The families were so thankful for our visit. For one of the ladies it is here 10th child (in 18 years) and the 8th for the other lady but one child had died. I am shocked to say they both looked good too. These women put me to shame.

Guess that is all for today. We are supposed to have a women’s retreat next weekend so you can pray for that. Looks like rain out right now so here is hoping… Send us some encouragement this week if you get a chance, thanks! (Sorry internet hasn’t been working so well so I didn’t get to send this right away.)

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