Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Arrived & Settling in

October 4, 2012

Hello from Michigan everyone!  We are thankful for so many answers to prayer.  God is faithful and good!

We traveled to Kampala a week ago Monday.  I had an appointment with the midwife who had to sign a letter saying I was ok to fly.  I had an ultra sound and the baby has filled out and was drinking again.  I love seeing our baby!  I was also thankful to hear everything looks great.  The baby should arrive somewhere between Christmas and New Years (this ultra sound said Dec. 22 and the other one Dec. 30).  The midwife said my stomach is measuring 24 and I was at 27 weeks so there is room for the baby to grow in there.  Tuesday we enjoyed a relaxing, fun day with our kids before flying Wednesday morning.  It was such a nice way to leave.  We all enjoyed our time together.

Our flight schedule was the best we have ever had it.  We flew Wednesday morning and arrive in London at 4pm.  Our eight hour flight went rather quickly.  The kids loved having movies, a meal, pop, and treats in between -- thankfully a nap too.  In London we got a hotel, had supper, a shower, and a great night sleep.  Lydia was so excited to go to London so I asked her why she said because it is like America.  By 6am we were heading back to the airport to fly to Chicago.  We were on American Airlines instead of BA which isn’t very impressive but overall went just as well as the first flight.  Our kids are awesome travelers.  We had a 4 hour layover in Chicago so the kids enjoyed their first McDonalds and played happily for a while.  Luka loved the airport with all the airplanes.  They are all British Airways to him.  I think it tell a lot about our life when our 3 year old knows what BA is.  We arrived in Grand Rapids at 4:30pm to grandparents, uncles and aunts, and a cousin.  It was a very happy reunion!

It is hard to describe all my feelings in this transition.  Already in London I felt out of place, overwhelmed, sickened by the worldliness, yet loving the cleanliness, comfort, and convenience at the same time.  I realize how much Africa has become home and somehow normal to me after 10 years.  Over the years you realize you don’t belong anywhere which is a good thing I guess.  My home is truly in heaven - I do belong with Christ.  The airports are full of people from every nation, background, religion, and every type of clothing expression you can think of.  My heart was filled with a longing to reach out to all people with the love, truth, and healing of Jesus.  The harvest is ripe everywhere.

Our kids are doing really well.  Luka did not really understand where we were going and what we were doing but he is a content little boy.  He recognized people but on the way to our house from the airport he looked at me and said, “I don’t know this place.”  Thankfully he was thrilled with his new house and bedroom mostly because of all the new trucks to play with.  The first few nights the kids would be sleeping before we could say amen.  

We are slowly settling in and organizing.  It takes awhile to make sure everyone has what they need (clothes, shoes, coats, underwear…) and to go through our boxes we have in storage.  The first day the girls and I went to garage sales, Luka played with grandpa, and Josh was on a mission to get all he needed for his hunting trip to Wyoming with his dad and brother-in-law.  They were going to leave Saturday afternoon but when Josh was ready Friday afternoon they asked the wives if they could leave that evening.  We gave them our blessing.  They were like little boys all excited about their trip.  So just over 24 hours after we arrived Josh left again.  Glad it was him and not me.  I was happy to stay put.

The kids and I have been having a special time together.  We went to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch, stayed at the cottage with grandpa and grandma, tried to go to the museum but it was closed, went to Pizza Hut, went to their cousins soccer game, and we hope to visit their school tomorrow and meet their teachers.  The girls started GEMS (girls program at church) and loved it, Luka loved nursery, and I got to go to the adult class.  Lydia and I got our haircuts and I had a doctors appointment for the baby.  I love being with our kids and making fun memories.  They have been so good and I am so thankful for them.

I am pooped by evening though.  I miss Josh and look forward to his return.  Our van broke down while I was on the highway and we have killed two mice since Josh left so I will be more than thankful for all he does when he is back.    

Josh has called a couple of times.  I think overall they are enjoying their time but there have been frustrations - mostly with wind and tents.  Everyone got an antelope but no mule deer yet.

The weather here has been awesome.  It has been sunny and cool and the colors are just beautiful.  I love God’s artwork on the trees.  It makes me praise Him!  What a great time of year.

So overall things have been great.  I feel very thankful.  I can tell I was ready for this break.  I look forward to all God has for us while we are in Michigan.  I have already been able to have some good conversations, plan to meet with some ladies for prayer and Bible study, and hope to be an encouragement to others while State side.

Just in case any of you want to know our phone number while we are in Michigan is 616-802-4312.

Oct. 8

I wrote the above last week but haven’t been able to connect to internet and send it, so let me update you a little.

The girls started school today.  The school tested Grace to make sure she was ready for second grade (she is really a year young with her age) but the test confirmed she should be in second grade.  The girls were excited but Lydia got a bad cold yesterday so she was not quite herself.  I pray God gives them peace and joy at school today.  It is hard for me to let them go.  I am thankful for the break from home schooling but will miss them being gone all day.  So glad they were excited to go.

Josh is home!  No mule deer but he had a great time.  We are thankful he is with us again.  The kids just talk and talk to him and Luka loves his attention.

Yesterday at church I cried a lot.  I know not a total surprise for me.  I am not quite sure why church brings on the tears.  I know I process my year in Uganda being here in Michigan, I am being filled and renewed, we had communion and I thought about our church in Obulle, and I just love my Lord so much and deeply desire for all people to know that amazing love.  Sometimes I wonder why no one else is moved to tears.  I get so embarrassed but know church should be a place where we are feel to worship our Father in tears.  I was thankful for my husbands and others support and love after church.

Josh’s grandma Stahl died last night.  She would have turned 89 this week.  We are thankful she is home with her Lord now.  She just slept peacefully to Jesus.  Please pray for us as we have the funeral this week.  Josh has lost all three grandparents in a year and a half.  This is the only one we have been home for.  Pray for our kids and for wisdom for us to know how to deal with death with them.  We will tell them later today and let them decide if they want to come to the funeral.  We know Lydia will have a hard time and Grace wont want any part of it.  Thanks for praying for us.

I will try to keep you up to date.  Pictures will be on our blog.  Love you all and pray for you.


  1. Glad you had safe travels. Enjoy your time with family!

  2. Just finished reading most of your blog reports. I found them thru the fishers somehow? Sure would love to see you soon! Just reading some of your posts reminds me of when we first met and you came for dinner...I few children later and a few years, you guys look amazing...I hear your heart well for America and it comes through on your posts beautifully and yet so hard to put into words at times...tears sometimes say it best. I will try finding you and where you are living...
