Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fall time in Michigan

Oct. 15

Thought I would type another update on this rainy autumn day. Josh’s grandma Stahl’s funeral went very well. I am still processing it all though. I am thankful we could be here for his last grandparent’s funeral. I think we were able to have closure. I realized it has been since high school that I have been apart of a funeral of a relative. Grace didn’t want to go so she stayed with grandma and grandpa Beute and went to school. Lydia and Luka went up to Mc Bain with us after school on Tuesday. Visitation was from 6 to 8pm that evening at church. Lydia played with Luka and her cousin Reka in the nursery most of the time. It was really nice to see all the relatives we haven’t seen in a long time. There were also so many friends and supports from Mc Bain who came. Everyone gave their sympathy then asked how we were doing and how I was feeling. I was impressed with how many people came and came from a ways away. And so many people gave Dad and Mom meals and bake goods. The visitation was pretty upbeat and very few tears were shed. I think most people were thankful with us that grandma was with the Lord.

Wednesday there was an hour of visitation and then the funeral. When we got there Luka asked why that lady slept at church all night (meaning grandma in the coffin). How sweet. I could tell today would be a little bit harder. The service was very nice and evangelistic. Many of us shed tears. Josh spoke and did a great job. He sharing memories everyone had with grandma and told about when grandma shared with us that her family lived in darkness until her father became a Christian when she was eight. Looking around at all the relatives who now know the Lord is a legacy grandma left behind. The other story grandma shared with us is when she sang with her dad at church about telling children in a far away land about Jesus. Her father told her that day that he believed a missionary would come from her family. Over 60 years later Josh and I went to Nigeria. Josh said it is a testimony of God’s grace and faithfulness. The service ended with the Halleluiah chorus. I could just imagine grandma’s birthday celebration in heaven - it was her 89th birthday.

After the service we went to the cemetery. Josh and his cousins where the pul bearers. It was a cold, rainy fall day but the sun peeked out just for us. It is hard to see a loved one put into the ground. It is so final. 

By now my head and sinuses hurt from crying and my face was all red. I pulled it together for the lunch served at the church afterwards. As long as I didn’t think about it I was ok. We enjoyed the rest of the afternoon with Josh’s parents and siblings. I lovw being all together. By evening we were at our church for supper, the kids program, and teaching for the adults. It kinda make everything that just happened serial. The funeral was over, grandma was gone and life moved on. That is a bit hard for me. But God is good and slowly and gentle helps me process and gives me peace.

I had a ruff week medically too. I failed my first glucose test so I had to go for a three hour test a couple days later. Thankfully that test said my sugar level was fine. I also went to the eye doctor and he could not get my right eye to see well so he looked at it. I was shocked to hear him say I have the start of cataracts! He has never seen it in someone so young. He thinks maybe it is caused from 10 years of African sun and having fair skin or from being on anti-malarials for so long. I don’t need surgery now. Typical cataracts is in the middle of the eye and can be 8 years before surgery but mine is in the back and could be weeks, months, or years before it gets worse. I was really bummed. Now that I know why my right eye is so blurry it is disturbing. So wear your hats everyone and get good sunglasses.

I am really enjoying being pregnant here. The cooler weather for one is so helpful. I feel better and my tights I have to wear are not such a bother. Wearing nicer clothes has really help make me feel better about myself too. So many people here ask about my pregnancy and how I am feeling. In Uganda no one talks about pregnancy so I am enjoying talking about it. I am encourage with each person who says I look great. Even strangers will say how cute I look. My great grandma thought I had the perfect like bump. I keep praying God helps me not to grow too much or too fast. The baby continues to be quiet but I love each kick and movement I do get.

Grace celebrated her 7th birthday! She was so excited! We went for pizza and then the girls, two of their cousins, grandma, and myself went to Ballet Magnifica (a Christian ballet). The girls thought is was the best. Later in the week we went to Mc Bain and had birthday cake and ice cream to celebrate with them.

I hate to admit it but I did it. I drove down the road on the wrong side! (In Uganda they drive on the left side.) I had been doing well remembering to always keep the center line at my left. Then one day a car was coming toward me! She must have thought I was crazy. I was embarrassed and startled. Thankfully since then I have not done it again.

We spoke for the first time Sunday. We talked mostly about God’s work in Obulle through Freedom in Christ. And yes, I cried. God has done great things and it moves me to tears. We showed our video too. People seemed to really appreciate it and one lady said it was worship. Praise God!

This afternoon we are going camping! The kids has break for a teachers conference so we are camping with my sisters family and my parents. It may be cold or rainy (praying not) but we should also have fun. There is pumpkin carving, hayrides, hotdog roast, donuts and cider, trick or treating, and more! The kids are super excited.

(More pics to come - they didn't all upload.)

May you to be blessed this week with God’s presents. He loves you and I do too!

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