Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Prayers for healthy flying

Hi everyone,

We are so thankful we can write to you and know so many of you are praying.  Last night (Monday) Luka got a fever and hasn't been feeling well.  He has been so good and such a trooper all day.  He went to bed early with a 101 fever.  We have been praying over our son often.  We know God is able to heal his body before we fly tomorrow.  The girls too are very congested and so we are praying everyone is feeling well for the flight.  It is all too often that we have sick kids when we fly.  Discouragement and attacks from the enemy I am sure but this is where faith takes action.  We know our God is all powerful and in control. 

We were thankful for a good trip to Chicago.  The snow storm started when we arrived.  We enjoyed a fun day with Grandpa and Grandma Beute who brought us to Chicago.

Thanks again for praying for us all the way to Uganda!

Mandy and family  

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your family!! God bless you for the work you are doing in Uganda.
