Sunday, February 17, 2013

Prayers for Malai

Feb. 16

Dear friends and family,

Emalai got her second cold a week ago and it continued to get worse all week. Yesterday she struggled to breathe so we took her in to the doctor where we found out she has brocialitis (spelling?). They tried a breathing treatment but it did not help. Her oxygen is a little low, she is breathing rapidly, and has a lot of congession and coughs. There is no treatment but if she gets worse will be in the hospital and put on oxogen. The next few days she will either get better or worse. We were suppose to go to Mc Bain this weekend but the doctor told us not to be that far from the hospital. So Malai and I stayed back and are staying at my parents house. Josh and the kids went up North but Lydia was quite nervous knowing her baby sister was so sick.

Malai had a rough night trying to breath but we are thankful for every smile she gives us. Pray for her. We know God is the healer of her body. He has the power to clear those breathing tubes and give her each breathe. Pray that we know if or when it is time to take her to the hospital. I also had a syst removed from my hand yesterday and have it all bandaged up for a week which makes comforting Malai a little tricky. We leave for Uganda in 10 days so we need extra prayers for all to get done and Malai to get well before we go.

Thank you everyone for praying with us for our precious Emalai. I will let you know if anything changes

Feb. 17
Thank you friends for praying with us for Emalai! (see below) I know God hears and is bringing healing to her little body. Last night was much better than Friday and seems Malai is able to breathe with less effort and sleep with more peace. You can still hear the sickness in her breathing and her coughing but she has not gotten worse. Keep praying for full healing. Thank you too for your prayers for the whole family with so much going on in our last days here. We are so thankful for the body of Christ!


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