Monday, June 24, 2013

14 Years, Calvin Team, and More...

June 23, 2013

Josh and I celebrated our 14th anniversary!  You have to be a little creative going out on your anniversary date with a nursing baby and living in Soroti.  We did have babysitters with three teens living with us so that was nice.  I bought a red dress from the second hand market to wear, took candles, wine glasses (for our sparkling grape juice!), and music.  We went to our best restaurant, at least scenery wise, and they actually took our table out onto the grass alone with a view of the rock mountain behind.  It was great!  We made it special by ordering appetizer, main meal, and African tea (we were going to have dessert too but we were too full) – a nice long, romantic dinner together.  We talk about all 14 anniversaries, where we were, and what we did for each one.  We’ve been a lot of places and done a lot of things.  I am so thankful for our marriage.  Fourteen years just brings you closer together.  Every year we love each other more.  With God as the foundation and center of our marriage we are truly blessed.  May God always remain in His rightful place!

This week was one of our busiest weeks of the year.  We had the Calvin Christian High School team here.  This year they came with 12 students and three teachers.  In three days we visited Obulle, heard from former child soldiers, played soccer against the street boys, visited the blind school, sat in class at a secondary school, did a puppet show at a primary school, ate Indian food and saw their Hindu temple.  I think the best part this year was visiting Obulle.  We split up into groups of four and went to a home of one of our church members.  Our goal was to see village life and interact with the people.  My group took the goats out and tied them up, went to the well and got water, prepared and cooked posho, pork, and rice, and washed clothes by hand.  I was so impressed that our church members allowed the guests to help and that our guests (teens!) helped.  They got a good taste of that it is like to live in another part of the world.  When they showed the kids the outdoor bathing area over rocks and the latrine I heard the girls say, “I am so blessed”.  That’s right.  I think they will use water differently, be thankful for their washers and microwaves, and think about people with so much less.  Other groups farmed with their hosts, slaughtered a chicken, smeared cow dung…  It was a great experience for all of us!

It was a fun but full week.  Emalai and I didn’t do everything with them.  Our Lake City teens seemed to really enjoy the week too.  I love seeing God work in the group each year – it is why we do it.  This year about four people expressed interest in missions and coming back.  And one teen gave their life to Christ!  I am thankful Larry and Linda Klien invest in taking a group of young people.  Every time we visit Michigan kids from former trips, parents, teachers or others come up to us and tell us how much the trip transformed their lives.  That is why we look forward to this week each year.  God has done great things!

My sister and brother-in-law, Angie and Tim, are expecting again!  It may seem like ordinary news but after years of infertility they had a baby one year ago and now a second surprise.  That will make six kids – five 8 years old and under!  To be honest I am glad it isn’t me this time.  I just cannot go through that sickness again.  A lot of emotions for them I am sure.   But most of all we are praising God for His gift of life!

You can be praying for our family, kids and team.  There are always a lot of hellos and goodbyes in missions and this year we have our share of them.  Two families from our team will be leaving our team, one this week.  It is hard and sad but in God’s plan.  It is our kids who don’t always understand but just hurt.  Other friends left for a year home service last week and other friends leave the field for another mission field in August.  Lots of loss.  We are thankful for those who are still here with us.  Pray for our team and family as we go through this change.

Today after church we went to our friends for their daughters 2nd birthday.  It was the first birthday they ever celebrated.  I loved it.  I enjoy our friends, cooking with them, seeing my kids play with their kids, the quietness of the village, and beauty.  I look forward to being their neighbors soon. 

As I stop and think we have so much to be praise God for.  He is at work!  Just this month 4 people gave their lives to the Lord!  So easily we could just move on with life and forget to rejoice.  We know all of Heaven is so I want to join in the celebration too.  Pray for the four new believer; Julius, Kristine, Anna, and Dorine.  (Plus the student with the Calvin team!)   

Emalai sat up on her own this week!  So cute.  She doesn’t officially crawl but she is so close and gets around.  This week she will be six months. 

Thank you for all your love and prayers!  We sure appreciate your encouragement! 

Celebrating our 14th Anniversary!
Calvin Christian Team in Obulle (one group)

Getting water from the well

Zephie forever thankful for water!
Our Group on our village visit

Autumn playing goal ball at the blind school

Jimmy playing ball "blind"
Emalai and Mr. Klien

Calvin vs. Street Boys 0-1


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